Lama dah tak sambung cerita...ok dari Melaka kita ke PD pulak...tiba di Admiral Cove lebih kurang 5 petang...dah check in...tiba-tiba bilik yang dapat aircond tak kena la tukar bilik..tapi nasib baik dapat bilik sebelah saja...lepas dah letak semua barang...kami turun ke bawah survey tempat...tengok matahari terbenam...kemudian kami keluar makan malam...Pada keesokan harinya..hujan lebat sangat...cadang-cadang tu nak pergi mandi kolam...tapi kena tunggu hujan dulu....Aina still kena buat homework dia...lebih kurang sejam lebih jugaklah nak tunggu hujan reda...lepas tu apa lagi...turun ke bawah....mandi kolam...yeah...dah berendam lebih kurang 2 jam...kami pun naik..untuk berkemas dan check out...sebab lepas ni kami nak ke tempat lain la tempat yang paling highlight...
Lebih kurang pukul 2 ptg tiba di PD Avillion...check in kat water chalet...bilik tu cantik bathroom...pukul 5 ptg keluar bersiar-siar...sambil melihat kawasan sekeliling...banyak tumbuh-tumbuhan herba...binatang peliharaan...macam arnab, ayam, burung merak, guinea pig banyak lagi lah...lepas tu pergi mandi laut...maklum lah jarang tengok laut apatah lagi nak mandi....Aina dan Alya having lots of fun....malam dinner...balik terus tidur
Esok paginya...order breakfast...then makan...kemudian terus bersiap ke kolam...tapi tak sampai sejam...tiba-tiba hujan turun...dengan apa lagi...cepat-cepat la keluar dari kolam..kemudian kami berkemas dan tibalah masanya untuk kami balik ke rumah....tapi balik ikut jalan lama..saja makan angin...sampai kat Sepang...makan tengahari...lauk-lauknya sedap....mungkin tengah lapar kot...
Percutian yang betul-betul menyeronokkan walaupun nampak macam rushing...bayangkan bermalam di tiga tempat yang berlainan....but fun...
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Melaka Tour
Sebaik saja cuti sekolah bermula...pada hari sabtu pagi...kami sekeluarga bertolak ke Melaka..lebih kurang pukul 10:30 pagi kami tiba di Melaka River Cruise..masa sampai orang tak ramai dapat la naik bot dengan tidak ramai orang...pemandangan sepanjang sungai Melaka amatlah cantik...sepanjang sungai Melaka ada sebuah kampung iaitu Kampung Morten...rumah-rumah disitu amatlah cantik....dan bentuknya begitu klasik...bersih. Bersebelahan dengan kampung tersebut adalah Kampung Sentosa yang telah dibina pada abad ke-20..disitu ada sebuah muzium yang boleh dikunjungi oleh orang ramai...kami belayar sampai ke hujung dan sepanjang sungai terdapat rumah-rumah kedai yang dihiasi dengan mural sejarah....selepas itu kami menuju ke Menara Taming Sari...harga tiket kalau tunjuk Mykad rm10 untuk dewasa dan rm5 untuk kanak-kanak..masa nak naik rasa berdebar jugak...maklum tinggi...ketinggiannya lebih kurang 80 meter so pemandangan panoramanya amatlah mempesonakan...seluruh negeri Melaka boleh dilihat...dari atas menara ini. Lepas turun tu ada la rasa pening-pening lalat sikit....tapi lepas tu okay..lepas tu naik beca pusing kawasan muzium yang ada disitu..berhenti di Kota A'Famosa...lalu depan kapal Fleur De Lamar...sambil pusing-pusing tu abang beca sempat bercerita dan memberi info tentang penaklukan Portugis dan Belanda ke atas Melaka...kira macam belajar sejarah pulak...lepas tu kami makan tengahari di food court Samudera...cari lauk asam pedas melaka, ulam dan cencaluk...itu saja lauk yang kami makan ...sedap.....mungkin sebab lapar sangat...
Lebih kurang pukul 3 petang tiba di hotel....check in saja terus rehatkan badan...habis semua tidur...malam dinner kat Perkampungan Ikan Bakar di Umbai Baru...cantik juga kawasan tu...
Keesokan paginya...naik Menara Taming Sari lagi...sebab tak puas naik sekali....kemudian jalan perlahan mengelilingi kawasan muzium....masuk muzium Istana Melaka....masuk Muzium Samudera...sampai penat la berjalan....lepas tu balik semula ke hotel untuk makan tengahari dengan sepupu dan ibu saudara suamiku...selepas selesai makan...kami bertolak ke Port Dickson lebih spesifik ke Admiral Cove untuk bermalam di sana pulak...bersambung...
Lebih kurang pukul 3 petang tiba di hotel....check in saja terus rehatkan badan...habis semua tidur...malam dinner kat Perkampungan Ikan Bakar di Umbai Baru...cantik juga kawasan tu...
Keesokan paginya...naik Menara Taming Sari lagi...sebab tak puas naik sekali....kemudian jalan perlahan mengelilingi kawasan muzium....masuk muzium Istana Melaka....masuk Muzium Samudera...sampai penat la berjalan....lepas tu balik semula ke hotel untuk makan tengahari dengan sepupu dan ibu saudara suamiku...selepas selesai makan...kami bertolak ke Port Dickson lebih spesifik ke Admiral Cove untuk bermalam di sana pulak...bersambung...
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Hari Anugerah Cemerlang
16 November, hari Aina mendapat anugerah cemerlang bagi tempat pertama dalam kelasnya...pagi-pagi lagi dah bangun dengan bersemangat...pergi satu famili...sampai sekolah lebih kurang pukul 7:50 pagi...Majlis bermula pada pukul 8:30 pagi....masuk saja ibubapa daftar sebelah kiri, pelajar daftar sebelah kanan...kemudian mengambil tempat masing-masing..pelajar diberi tempat duduk asing...Aina asyik tersenyum saja....dengan pakaian sekolahnya...dan berkaca mata...nampak seronok sangat...penyampaian sijil diberikan kepada pelajar-pelajar prasekolah dahulu diikuti dengan murid tahun 1 dan seterusnya....Aina hanya dapat hadiah untuk kedudukan dalam kelas sahaja...untuk matapelajaran tak...walau bagaimanapun kami berasa amat gembira...kerana dia berjaya mempertahankan kedudukannya dalam kelas pada pertengahan tahun dan akhir tahun walaupun peratus turun. Disamping itu Aina juga mendapat tawaran untuk menjadi pengawas muda pada tahun hadapan....dia hendak sangat jadi tahun depan kena la beli baju sekolah warna lain pulak...kasut pun warna lain...Tahniah Aina Nur Aisya Ahmad Nazree...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Believe in your child's ability
Well today the verdict is out...around 10:30am I arrived at school..the result yet been announced ..after a while the ceremony started...was informed 49 students got 5As and 28 students got 4As 1B. Mine was not in either list...but for me, I know her ability...she's a late bloomer...I have to accept this....what I did was encouraged her all the time...though sometimes I have lost my patience on her...
She got as she targeted 3As and 2Bs. But there was a switch between her subjects, she always got A in English and B or C in her Science but today she got B in her English and A in her Science..well who knows it will happen like this...I saw her, she was crying while waiting to take her result...after she got her result, she came to me and cried showing her fingers which was '3' so I understood...I hugged her and said that it was ok..we had done our best together to go through this still got a long way to go...your PMR and I said to her starting your secondary year we have to be prepared for your PMR already..this is not the end of the road cause this is the beginning..put your target to wear a robe and mortar board in your higher education...
How do I feel? I have prepared myself not to hope so much in fact, I was thinking that she will not get any mean right?...but reality is I have to see her far she can go....if I push her so hard, she would not be able to perform well....all that I do is by giving her encouragement continuously... trust me you will not feel frustrated and disappointed if you believe in your child's ability...I feel happy to the parents whose child got straight As.....lots of tears of joy.
Thank you very much to the school teachers for their hardwork all this while...and kudos to them....
Alhamdulillah feel very grateful to ALLAH for this present....AMIN
She got as she targeted 3As and 2Bs. But there was a switch between her subjects, she always got A in English and B or C in her Science but today she got B in her English and A in her Science..well who knows it will happen like this...I saw her, she was crying while waiting to take her result...after she got her result, she came to me and cried showing her fingers which was '3' so I understood...I hugged her and said that it was ok..we had done our best together to go through this still got a long way to go...your PMR and I said to her starting your secondary year we have to be prepared for your PMR already..this is not the end of the road cause this is the beginning..put your target to wear a robe and mortar board in your higher education...
How do I feel? I have prepared myself not to hope so much in fact, I was thinking that she will not get any mean right?...but reality is I have to see her far she can go....if I push her so hard, she would not be able to perform well....all that I do is by giving her encouragement continuously... trust me you will not feel frustrated and disappointed if you believe in your child's ability...I feel happy to the parents whose child got straight As.....lots of tears of joy.
Thank you very much to the school teachers for their hardwork all this while...and kudos to them....
Alhamdulillah feel very grateful to ALLAH for this present....AMIN
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The last two weeks of school, seems very busy..there are lots of event happening in the school...this thursday UPSR result will be out...then on friday there will be report cards signing day so we will be attending..then on the 16th which is on tuesday we will be attending school's graduation day....Aina will be receiving her for Alya anxiously waiting for d-day....
Friday, November 5, 2010
The verdict will be out
By the time to whoever read this post...the result of Alya's exam will be out already...I got to know it through the announcement from the news just now...before this the verdict was said to be out on 16 November but actually on the 11 November which will be on does she feel? How do I feel?? Well she looks okay externally but internally just like a tsunami...from mother's intuition...for not know what to say...shaking, nervous, butterfly in the stomach...everything...the first time facing the big verdict....
Some people may think that I am making such a big fuss about this...but seriously I think this was how my mother felt when the result was out...I still remember when at that time called Penilaian Darjah Lima...I was not expected to get As at all....but at last I managed to get 3As 2Bs, my mother was so happy she hugged me like I got 5As...well you know my mum was a teacher at my I am sort of "anak cikgu" at that 'anak cikgu' must be clever and brilliant...but not me...I am just an average student...
So I hope whatever Alya will get for her UPSR me and my family will try to accept as it is...I will never give up to guide and coach her whenever she needs my help...cause there is still a long way to go for her. We will be behind her....
Some people may think that I am making such a big fuss about this...but seriously I think this was how my mother felt when the result was out...I still remember when at that time called Penilaian Darjah Lima...I was not expected to get As at all....but at last I managed to get 3As 2Bs, my mother was so happy she hugged me like I got 5As...well you know my mum was a teacher at my I am sort of "anak cikgu" at that 'anak cikgu' must be clever and brilliant...but not me...I am just an average student...
So I hope whatever Alya will get for her UPSR me and my family will try to accept as it is...I will never give up to guide and coach her whenever she needs my help...cause there is still a long way to go for her. We will be behind her....
Monday, November 1, 2010
Setiap kejadian ada hikmahnya...
Setiap apa yang berlaku di dalam hidup kita, pasti ada hikmahnya...kepulanganku ke kampung halaman...kali ini setelah menerima berita buruk...tok saudaraku telah menghembus nafas terakhirnya pada 30 oktober 2010. Pada masa yang sama pakcikku juga dimasukkan ke hospital kerana diserang sawan. Ini adalah kejadian yang kali kedua bagi dirinya...keadaan kesihatannya yang tidak berapa baik...sehingga memerlukan dialisis dengan secepat mungkin...sekarang masih berada di hospital...tak tahu bila akan dibenarkan balik...
Setiap kita akan menerima dugaan dari Allah tak kira berat ataupun ringan..hanya DIA tahu samada kita boleh menanggungnya ataupun tidak...apa yang kita boleh buat hanyalah dengan berdoa kepadaNYA dan memohon kepadaNYA.
Walaupun kita mengatakan dugaan yang kita hadapi ini lebih teruk dan susah bagi kita untuk mengendalikannya..cuba fikirkan bahawa masih ada orang lain yang dugaannya sepuluh kali lebih teruk dari apa yang kita hadapi...Aku selalu cuba berfikir sebegitu....untuk tidak berasa susah hati dan serabut.
Apa-apa pun aku cuba untuk tabahkah diri ini...dan berdoa kepada ALLAH...
Setiap kita akan menerima dugaan dari Allah tak kira berat ataupun ringan..hanya DIA tahu samada kita boleh menanggungnya ataupun tidak...apa yang kita boleh buat hanyalah dengan berdoa kepadaNYA dan memohon kepadaNYA.
Walaupun kita mengatakan dugaan yang kita hadapi ini lebih teruk dan susah bagi kita untuk mengendalikannya..cuba fikirkan bahawa masih ada orang lain yang dugaannya sepuluh kali lebih teruk dari apa yang kita hadapi...Aku selalu cuba berfikir sebegitu....untuk tidak berasa susah hati dan serabut.
Apa-apa pun aku cuba untuk tabahkah diri ini...dan berdoa kepada ALLAH...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Alya and Aina Activities
Aina dah masuk tiga hari tak pergi sekolah..sebab demam panas..bermula hari khamis pagi...ingatkan dah ok hari jumaat tapi still sama...tak pergi klinik masa tu...sebab semua ubat memang ada kat rumah dah...tapi hari sabtu tu tempreture tak turun- kena pergi klinik untuk ambil antibiotik...lepas makan antibiotik baru ok...dan bangun keesokkan hari pun badan tak la panas sangat...tapi hari isnin...jadi balik...panas tak pergi sekolah lagi...pergi klinik balik sebab ada red spot kat badan Aina...panik jugak...tapi doktor kata kalau denggi lain...merah tu tak yang ada kat badan doktor bagi ubat sapu....nampak ada la kurang sikit....but if kalau tak hilang jugak by wednesday...kena la pergi balik klinik..maybe nak check darah dia ka?...Aina dapat MC dua hari....suppose hari ni pun MC lagi tapi tengok dia dah ok...boleh la p sekolah....sebab minggu depan dah nak exam....dia kena jugak p sekolah. Nanti terlepas topik-topik baru yang cikgu nak ajar...but the spots is still there..
Alya macam biasa pergi sekolah...cuma pembelajaran dah kurang...banyak aktiviti yang diprogramkan untuk darjah 6...dia ada masuk netball tapi pada saat-saat akhir telah dikeluarkan...walaupun telah menjalani latihan berhari-hari....well nak buat macamana....quite frustrated Alya rasa....tapi sekarang dia masuk nasyid..dengar kata hari jumaat ni ada pertandingan....mintak tolong abah lagu yang hendak dinyanyikan for the group....recently...daftar nama untuk tarian....for me as long as she is happy with her involvement its ok with me...cuma disini Alya kena belajar bagaimana untuk bekerjasama bila dalam kumpulan dan menghadapi pelbagai kerenah bila berada dalam kumpulan...the important thing here is teamwork...decision making..and tolarate with each other...whatever it is...I am open to hear, listen and share her stories...
This is the time when you need to hear her...and listen to what she wants to say....she is a tween now....
Alya macam biasa pergi sekolah...cuma pembelajaran dah kurang...banyak aktiviti yang diprogramkan untuk darjah 6...dia ada masuk netball tapi pada saat-saat akhir telah dikeluarkan...walaupun telah menjalani latihan berhari-hari....well nak buat macamana....quite frustrated Alya rasa....tapi sekarang dia masuk nasyid..dengar kata hari jumaat ni ada pertandingan....mintak tolong abah lagu yang hendak dinyanyikan for the group....recently...daftar nama untuk tarian....for me as long as she is happy with her involvement its ok with me...cuma disini Alya kena belajar bagaimana untuk bekerjasama bila dalam kumpulan dan menghadapi pelbagai kerenah bila berada dalam kumpulan...the important thing here is teamwork...decision making..and tolarate with each other...whatever it is...I am open to hear, listen and share her stories...
This is the time when you need to hear her...and listen to what she wants to say....she is a tween now....
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Proud moment for Aina
On the 101010 recently...Aina had received her Advanced Student Honour Roll in her Math..a medal which was gold because she is now had been advanced 2 years ahead from her was held at PICC, Putrajaya. We had to register around 8:15am to 9:15am. So, made a move from our house around 7:30am..arrived around 8:15am..after the registration...we had our breakfast which was served there...around 8:45am escorted Aina to line up then we went up to Planery Hall which was on level 3...actually Aina was not feeling so good on that day..because she was purging for so many times the night before....I was quite worried about her....While waiting the ceremony to begin took some pictures in the hall. Looking so luxury with comfy seats just like going into lecture room with good ambiance. This was a proud moment for us attending as parents because before this I had attended this ceremony 2 years ago as an assistant instructor, so the feeling was different.
The moment they announced the grand entrance of the outstanding students, I was controlling my tears of joy..feel so proud and overwhelmed...
The moment they announced the grand entrance of the outstanding students, I was controlling my tears of joy..feel so proud and overwhelmed...
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In front of the main entrance |
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After received the medal..on our way to a relative wedding |
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one for the official picture |
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showing her victory medal |
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proud sister |
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still showing her medal .. |
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in front of our astronout's wedding entrance |
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"The Place" |
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Gain knowledge...
Everybody likes to read and know about new things..I would like to recommend to you to go this website: to view all the books that are shown in this website...Happy reading!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
More open houses
Recent weekend, were full with invitations...last night we had our neighbourhood open started in the morning doing our togetherness chores..we had our own chef cooking the menus were nasi minyak, rendang daging, ayam masak merah, bubur pulut hitam, kuah lodeh, lemang, kerabu timun, deserts and beverages.
It started at 8pm..all the neighbours arrived and served themselves with all the was good getting to know new moved in neighbours and the one that we had not meet before...good thing
It ended at around our kids also need their good night sleep for tomorrow's school..we also took back some leftovers to our home...
It started at 8pm..all the neighbours arrived and served themselves with all the was good getting to know new moved in neighbours and the one that we had not meet before...good thing
It ended at around our kids also need their good night sleep for tomorrow's school..we also took back some leftovers to our home...
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Exam dah habis....lega rasanya..tapi 50% saja...selebihnya kena tunggu end of school holidays atau first week of school holidays....Alya kata, boleh jawab semua soalan...cuma betul dan salah sahaja..tak kisah sekolah mana dia nak pergi...yang penting usaha untuk mencemerlangkan diri..mesti ada...tapi tipu la kalau harapan ku untuk dia pergi ke sekolah berasrama penuh....tu tak ada...ibu mana tak mengharap begitu..sama jugak dengan harapan abah dia...
tapi still ada exam lagi..PAFA..ini untuk melayakkan memohon ke sekolah menengah agama...still kena buat betul-betul...
Tapi yang penting disini sebagai ibubapa, usaha telah dilakukan dengan sebaiknya...sokongan telah diberi sehabis mungkin...Alya pun telah memberi yang terbaik dalam melakukan peperiksaannya..selebihnya kita hanya...BERTAWAKAL....
tapi still ada exam lagi..PAFA..ini untuk melayakkan memohon ke sekolah menengah agama...still kena buat betul-betul...
Tapi yang penting disini sebagai ibubapa, usaha telah dilakukan dengan sebaiknya...sokongan telah diberi sehabis mungkin...Alya pun telah memberi yang terbaik dalam melakukan peperiksaannya..selebihnya kita hanya...BERTAWAKAL....
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Ongoing process two down one to go...
Today is the second still not asking my daughter how is it...whether she can do it or not..or is it easy or difficult...? do not want to not want to make myself feel anxious, worried..and so on....
now she is doing last minute revision for the next paper tomorrow...with the useful tips from the teacher...just monitoring her and do some questions with her..
although tomorrow is the last day... it doesn't mean I can put myself at ease...still have to think about the result..coming out before the school holiday....
it is soooo torturing....thinking of that...butterflies still flying in the stomach
now she is doing last minute revision for the next paper tomorrow...with the useful tips from the teacher...just monitoring her and do some questions with her..
although tomorrow is the last day... it doesn't mean I can put myself at ease...still have to think about the result..coming out before the school holiday....
it is soooo torturing....thinking of that...butterflies still flying in the stomach
Sunday, September 19, 2010
From one house to another
It started last night...the visiting to neighbours' houses has begun...last night we only went to one house as a start...after we came back...three families came to our house....every year we will do it like this....visiting from one house to another... started at 8pm...went to the first house...had laksa..cookies..and crackers....then around 9:30pm went to the next house..had fried noodle and 'teh tarik' delicious....after that to the next house again....had 'mee kari'...then all 7 families went to another neighbour's house which was quite far...from our we convoyed to his house....there we had 'kek sarawak', fried noodle, rice with 'ayam masak merah'...after all the delicious food that we had and stuffed in our bellies...headed home around 11pm...just to rest our eyes....tomorrow there will be more open houses....
in this case "periuk dan belanga boleh la digantung" started at 8pm...went to the first house...had laksa..cookies..and crackers....then around 9:30pm went to the next house..had fried noodle and 'teh tarik' delicious....after that to the next house again....had 'mee kari'...then all 7 families went to another neighbour's house which was quite far...from our we convoyed to his house....there we had 'kek sarawak', fried noodle, rice with 'ayam masak merah'...after all the delicious food that we had and stuffed in our bellies...headed home around 11pm...just to rest our eyes....tomorrow there will be more open houses....
in this case "periuk dan belanga boleh la digantung"
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Time to face the "war"
After came back from hometown...Alya's school had started the last extra classes for the UPSR students..all 4 subjects were given precious tips by the teachers...did lots of discussion...and what were the dos and don'ts before, during and after the exam....
Today is the last day for the extra she only has 2 browse through again...there is no point to pressure her anymore..all she needs is an encouragement and motivation...she needs to be calm and stay focus...more to relaxation but not too much...
For me as a mother....must have faith in her...that she will do her best...with all the efforts that she had done...give her more nagging...more to guidance...and accept what will come out in the end....lastly "bertawakal kepada ALLAH"
Today is the last day for the extra she only has 2 browse through again...there is no point to pressure her anymore..all she needs is an encouragement and motivation...she needs to be calm and stay focus...more to relaxation but not too much...
For me as a mother....must have faith in her...that she will do her best...with all the efforts that she had done...give her more nagging...more to guidance...and accept what will come out in the end....lastly "bertawakal kepada ALLAH"
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Raya keempat ...balik ke asal...
Raya keempat....adalah masa untuk bertolak dari Penang ke Taiping....bermalam di rumah ibu saudara suami...sebelum keesokkan harinya bertolak ke Puchong.....harus balik awal...sebab Alya ada kelas tambahan UPSRnya....for the last time...
Bertolak dari Taiping after having breakfast at the classic kopitiam Yut Sun...around 11am...lots of cars on the road..stopped by at buy fruits...then continue on the road...arrived around 2:45pm...unfortunately there was no electricity...coz of tripped...and also bad smell lingering in the house.....came from the fridge...had to throw all the food in the fridge..and had to clean tiring...baru saja balik dah buat kerja...malam pengsan terus....
Bertolak dari Taiping after having breakfast at the classic kopitiam Yut Sun...around 11am...lots of cars on the road..stopped by at buy fruits...then continue on the road...arrived around 2:45pm...unfortunately there was no electricity...coz of tripped...and also bad smell lingering in the house.....came from the fridge...had to throw all the food in the fridge..and had to clean tiring...baru saja balik dah buat kerja...malam pengsan terus....
Raya ketiga...cemas bapa saudara masuk hospital
Raya ketiga...memenuhi jemputan makan tengahari dari sepupu suami..di Teluk Air Tawar....tapi pagi tu tiba-tiba mendapat panggilan telefon dari bibik yang menyatakan yang paman masuk hospital kerana strok...pergi jugak makan tengahari...dalam pukul 3:30 ptg bertolak ke Alor Setar menziarahi paman....di was a mild stroke...but luckily no side effect happened to jadilah reunion relatives sebelah mama di hospital...paman, bibik, cousins, nieces and nephews...lebih kurang pukul 7 malam baru bertolak balik ke Penang....letih, penat...semua ada..
Raya Kedua...sesak dijalanraya...
Raya kedua...lebih kurang pukul 11 pagi kami bertolak ke Taiping...untuk menziarahi ibu saudara suami....masa tiba diatas jambatan Pulau Pinang....dah jam...trafik bergerak dengan perlahan....(nasib baik bergerak) kalau tidak bosan duduk di dalam kereta....20 minit berada di atas jambatan...tiba-tiba kereta BOMBA berada di belakang sambil membunyikan siren....tengok di hadapan macam ada kepulan asap hitam...ingatkan ada kereta terbakar akibat daripada kemalangan...rupanya kabel TNB dibawah jambatan terbakar....sempat jugak mengambil gambar dan video..bayangkan dari 3 lorong dijadikan 2 lorong...sesak yang amat sangat....lebih kurang sejam berada di atas jambatan...baru trafik boleh bergerak dengan lancar semula...
Sampai di Taiping lebih kurang pukul 1petang...ibu saudara buat nasi daging...kari ayam, dalca dan kerabu timun...adik ipar juga sampai dalam masa yang sama....bersama suami dan anaknya Imaan Zara....mamu pun ada...serta anak ibu saudara dan menantunya..Kami menjamu selera makan tengahari...bersembang dengan riuhnya...Alya dan Aina bermain dengan Imaan....
Lebih kurang pukul 4 petang kami bertolak balik ke Penang...ingatkan trafik di jambatan dah pulih seperti biasa...rupa-rupanya masih sesak lagi...jadi terpaksalah melencong ke rumah sepupu suami..di Pauh Jaya...disana menjamu selera lagi...kali ni ada nasi lemak dan koay teow goreng....berjumpa dengan sepupu suami yang lain...bermaaf-maafan di sana pula...dalam pukul 9 malam bertolak ke pulau...kali ini trafik dah ok sedikit....setengah jam selepas itu sampai ke rumah...penat tak terkira....
Banyak sungguh kereta dijalanraya...begitulah selalu bila pulang ke kampung...sesak diatas jambatan memang tidak dapat dielakkan..tambahan apabila berlaku kemalangan atau kejadian kebakaran kabel..
Sampai di Taiping lebih kurang pukul 1petang...ibu saudara buat nasi daging...kari ayam, dalca dan kerabu timun...adik ipar juga sampai dalam masa yang sama....bersama suami dan anaknya Imaan Zara....mamu pun ada...serta anak ibu saudara dan menantunya..Kami menjamu selera makan tengahari...bersembang dengan riuhnya...Alya dan Aina bermain dengan Imaan....
Lebih kurang pukul 4 petang kami bertolak balik ke Penang...ingatkan trafik di jambatan dah pulih seperti biasa...rupa-rupanya masih sesak lagi...jadi terpaksalah melencong ke rumah sepupu suami..di Pauh Jaya...disana menjamu selera lagi...kali ni ada nasi lemak dan koay teow goreng....berjumpa dengan sepupu suami yang lain...bermaaf-maafan di sana pula...dalam pukul 9 malam bertolak ke pulau...kali ini trafik dah ok sedikit....setengah jam selepas itu sampai ke rumah...penat tak terkira....
Banyak sungguh kereta dijalanraya...begitulah selalu bila pulang ke kampung...sesak diatas jambatan memang tidak dapat dielakkan..tambahan apabila berlaku kemalangan atau kejadian kebakaran kabel..
Raya Pertama
Apabila raya menjelang tiba...apa yang selalu yang kita buat?...hari pertama raya...bangun pukul 6 pagi...mandi..solat subuh....kemudian bangunkan anak-anak....untuk mandi....setelah seluruh ahli keluarga bersiap-siap untuk pergi solat aidilfitri...aku tinggal dirumah menemani abah yang tidak berapa sihat...sambil menyiapkan hidangan untuk bersarapan....bila semua dah balik dari surau....tiba masanya untuk bermaaf-maafan..tidak ada drama pada raya kali ini...kalau tidak penuh dengan drama airmata...
Kemudian semua berangkat pergi ke Bayan Lepas, ke rumah sepupu abah...di sana berjumpa dengan adik abah (pak lang dan mak lang)...setelah puas menjamu selera...kami bertolak balik ke rumah...untuk rehat sebentar..dan untuk adik dan suami pergi menunaikan solat jumaat....
Selepas solat jumaat...kami semua bertolak ke Kulim..untuk ke rumah Andak...setelah selama 2 tahun tidak berkunjung ke sana...di atas sebab-sebab tertentu....berada di sana lebih kurang 2 jam kami bertolak ke Bagan Jermal (near gurney drive)..untuk menziarahi..tok saudara....sampai lebih kurang pukul 7 mlm...makan nasi....mingle around...around 9 pm we went back to my parents' house.
Bila dah sampai rumah..semua dah habis tenaga....mata pun dah tak boleh dibuka....bersihkan diri masing-masing....terus mencari bantal....untuk merehatkan badan sambil memikirkan mana hendak pergi keesokkan harinya.....
Kemudian semua berangkat pergi ke Bayan Lepas, ke rumah sepupu abah...di sana berjumpa dengan adik abah (pak lang dan mak lang)...setelah puas menjamu selera...kami bertolak balik ke rumah...untuk rehat sebentar..dan untuk adik dan suami pergi menunaikan solat jumaat....
Selepas solat jumaat...kami semua bertolak ke Kulim..untuk ke rumah Andak...setelah selama 2 tahun tidak berkunjung ke sana...di atas sebab-sebab tertentu....berada di sana lebih kurang 2 jam kami bertolak ke Bagan Jermal (near gurney drive)..untuk menziarahi..tok saudara....sampai lebih kurang pukul 7 mlm...makan nasi....mingle around...around 9 pm we went back to my parents' house.
Bila dah sampai rumah..semua dah habis tenaga....mata pun dah tak boleh dibuka....bersihkan diri masing-masing....terus mencari bantal....untuk merehatkan badan sambil memikirkan mana hendak pergi keesokkan harinya.....
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Aidilfitri Menjelang Tiba
Sehari lagi...bagi kita untuk menyambut aidilfitri...sekarang dah ada di kampung...semalam baru sampai...alya dan aina begitu teruja untuk balik kampung....seronok mereka berdua...mengemas baju...sepanjang perjalanan semalam....suasana masih belum sesak lagi di jalanraya....tapi kalau hari ni mesti dah banyak kereta....sampai di Seberang Perai lebih kurang pukul 3 petang....bermalam di rumah sepupu suami...hari ni baru nak balik ke rumah parents di sebelah pulau...banyak kuih di bawa pun sekejap lagi nak pergi menziarah kawan arwah mak mertua...selalunya begitu routine kami ...bila pulang beraya...adik-adikku di dalam perjalanan pulang...
Tapi raya kali ini...sekejap sahaja kami balik....sebab Alya kena bersedia untuk menghadapi peperiksaan UPSR..yang hanya tinggal 12 hari....kecut perut jugak aku dibuatnya...tapi tengok dia relaks saja....keputusan trial pun tak konsisten...sekejap naik..sekejap turun....nak kata A tu...ada la satu dua....tapi A yang cukup makan.....
Lepas ni...sampai saja ke rumah parents....operasi mengemas rumah akan bermula....dan biasa la setiap kali kami semua balik untuk beraya....berbuka puasa mesti di kedai nasi kandar...dah jadi macam routine...lagi pun nasi kandar kat Penang lagi sedap dari dekat rumah sendiri....rasanya lain walaupun nama kedai sama....
Disini kami sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, ampun dan maaf dipinta..semoga raya kali ini memberi makna kepada kita semua...
Tapi raya kali ini...sekejap sahaja kami balik....sebab Alya kena bersedia untuk menghadapi peperiksaan UPSR..yang hanya tinggal 12 hari....kecut perut jugak aku dibuatnya...tapi tengok dia relaks saja....keputusan trial pun tak konsisten...sekejap naik..sekejap turun....nak kata A tu...ada la satu dua....tapi A yang cukup makan.....
Lepas ni...sampai saja ke rumah parents....operasi mengemas rumah akan bermula....dan biasa la setiap kali kami semua balik untuk beraya....berbuka puasa mesti di kedai nasi kandar...dah jadi macam routine...lagi pun nasi kandar kat Penang lagi sedap dari dekat rumah sendiri....rasanya lain walaupun nama kedai sama....
Disini kami sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, ampun dan maaf dipinta..semoga raya kali ini memberi makna kepada kita semua...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Fasting month for my kids
Alhamdulillah, both of my kids fast full day until today...except Aina...she broke her fast on the second day....the story was like this....while I was working at Kumon Centre...I had received a call from the school..said that Aina had quickly went to school to fetch her...bought her bread and milo to break her fast...but the next day she's okay already till more whining in the afternoon asking 'what is the time now?' Alya she's good and strong girl...been fasting since 5 years got no problem with for Aina this is her first year fasting full day..
Rezeki yang tak jadi rezeki.....
Sekejap saja dah masuk minggu ketiga kita berpuasa....ingat tak post tentang rezeki-rezeki....akhirnya bukan rezeki raya...tapi tak pa lah...nak buat macamana...hari ni pulak ada lagi yang bukan jadi rezeki....kuih yang dipesan dah tak jadi ambik pulak...macam-macam alasan...diberi...tapi aku tidak mahu bersangka buruk...dan mengenangkan ini bulan yang mulia....banyak-banyak aku beristighfar...apa lagi...sibuk bertanya sana sini...jika ada sesiapa nak raya cookies l learnt my time when people order to you in bulk, you must ask for next time I will become more alert..
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Saham Amanah?? Amanah Saham??
Last night I managed to watch 'Halaqah' on TV9 was aired at 10pm..Title 'saham amanah'. At first I misunderstood the title...then ohhh the 'saham' was our children that we have....these are the prime treasure that we must take and guard with our soul...the content was really touching and was crying all the way while watching it...
Anak-anak merupakan harta yang amat berharga bagi diri kita.....bukan di dunia sahaja tapi mereka inilah yang akan mendoakan kita apabila kita tidak ada di dunia ini lagi....mereka merupakan pelaburan yang amat berharga...kita sebagai ibubapa mesti mahukan yang terbaik untuk anak-anak kita...kita ingin memberi segala kesenangan kepada mereka...tidak mahu mereka hidup susah...walau sedikitpun...seiring ilmu dunia dan ilmu akhirat diberikan kepada mereka....dengan harapan mereka menjadi anak-anak yang mithali, soleh, solehah dan berilmu dan beriman...hanya doa dari mereka sahaja yang dapat menyelamatkan kita....
Didiklah anak-anak kita sebaik-baiknya....dan universiti yang terbaik bagi mereka adalah kita IBUBAPA...contoh yang terdekat...setiap tindak-tanduk kita diperhatikan oleh mereka ini... kita harus muhasabah diri..perbaiki diri...menjadi insan contoh kepada anak-anak kita...dan supaya menjadi idola kepada anak-anak kita..
Setelah menonton program tersebut...banyak kesedaran yang timbul...banyak sungguh ruang-ruang kosong tidak dipenuhi oleh ku sebagai seorang ibu dan anak....azam untuk menjadi contoh yang terbaik untuk Alya dan Aina...azam untuk menjadi seorang anak yang solehah....bagi kedua ibubapaku...
Sempena ramadhan menjelang tiba....berbanyaklah muhasabah diri....semoga menjadi insan yang lebih baik dari semalam.....
Peringatan kepada diriku...
Anak-anak merupakan harta yang amat berharga bagi diri kita.....bukan di dunia sahaja tapi mereka inilah yang akan mendoakan kita apabila kita tidak ada di dunia ini lagi....mereka merupakan pelaburan yang amat berharga...kita sebagai ibubapa mesti mahukan yang terbaik untuk anak-anak kita...kita ingin memberi segala kesenangan kepada mereka...tidak mahu mereka hidup susah...walau sedikitpun...seiring ilmu dunia dan ilmu akhirat diberikan kepada mereka....dengan harapan mereka menjadi anak-anak yang mithali, soleh, solehah dan berilmu dan beriman...hanya doa dari mereka sahaja yang dapat menyelamatkan kita....
Didiklah anak-anak kita sebaik-baiknya....dan universiti yang terbaik bagi mereka adalah kita IBUBAPA...contoh yang terdekat...setiap tindak-tanduk kita diperhatikan oleh mereka ini... kita harus muhasabah diri..perbaiki diri...menjadi insan contoh kepada anak-anak kita...dan supaya menjadi idola kepada anak-anak kita..
Setelah menonton program tersebut...banyak kesedaran yang timbul...banyak sungguh ruang-ruang kosong tidak dipenuhi oleh ku sebagai seorang ibu dan anak....azam untuk menjadi contoh yang terbaik untuk Alya dan Aina...azam untuk menjadi seorang anak yang solehah....bagi kedua ibubapaku...
Sempena ramadhan menjelang tiba....berbanyaklah muhasabah diri....semoga menjadi insan yang lebih baik dari semalam.....
Peringatan kepada diriku...
Friday, July 23, 2010
Ramadhan dan Syawal...selalunya merupakan bulan rezeki kepada yang ingin berniaga....bagi aku...boleh dikatakan dah tahun keempat jual kuih raya....tolong kawan-kawan.....dia masyuk...kita pun sama....tapi tahun ni merupakan jualan yang tak disangka...sampai aku sendiri pun terkejut...gabra pun ada...first time nak buat gift for raya....itupun ada orang offer...bertungkus-lumus aku dan suamiku buat calculation...pegi survey barang...nak tengok budget macamana...bertanya..mesti...sebab zero knowledge about this....nasib baik ada seorang kawan masa belajar dulu ni...buat business berkaitan...she's given me a very useful tip and a big help...thank you my friend.....sample dah bagi...harap-harap dapat....itu satu...order lain ada lagi....habis kira dalam kepala ni....
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Am I Exaggerating Myself???
Hari ni, try to be cup of coffee at the start a new start next month I will be going to work only for two days...two months intensively to concentrate on Alya....for her big exam...I am also preparing myself with all the knowledge that I can give and guide her....motivations and encouragements....try not to pressure her....this is from my experience....during my mum always tell me if you do not excel yourself...what you gonna be..'.nak jadi tukang sapu sampah kat tepi jalan! the burden was there heavily on me...I am not an excel student...but maybe I am lucky to get quite good results...during my school days..I was a late bloomer during my I understand what Alya is going through right now...but sometimes as a mother..we want our children to get every result with flying colours.....sometimes I try to remind myself to calm down, take a deep it matter how you want your kids to excel in academic and life please do not belittle them....inspire them...encourage them..and as a muslim remind them not to leave the prayers....all in all the help comes from Allah plus the efforts. Frankly said, I, myself feel very nervous about all these..
I bought a lot of order to help my children...recently I bought one book title 'Petua Membantu Anak Berjaya' by Dato' Dr. Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah. Lots of tips given in this book..such as how to bring out curiousity in you kids, how to make you kids to be independent, teach them how to be flexible, how to enhance and sharpen their mind...and lots more.
Another book is titled 'Apa Bakat Saya?' published by PTS Milliennia Sdn. Bhd. in this book tells you about all the myths that were told by our parents, teachers, friends and others about success in academics and to develop the talent inside your kids and others...
All these books and others that I bought..I use it as a guide to help my children and tell them that it is alright to make mistakes and must learn from also as a mother should accept their mistakes and patient with their behaviours...after all, all of us are not it is not fair if we want our children to be perfect...
I bought a lot of order to help my children...recently I bought one book title 'Petua Membantu Anak Berjaya' by Dato' Dr. Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah. Lots of tips given in this book..such as how to bring out curiousity in you kids, how to make you kids to be independent, teach them how to be flexible, how to enhance and sharpen their mind...and lots more.
Another book is titled 'Apa Bakat Saya?' published by PTS Milliennia Sdn. Bhd. in this book tells you about all the myths that were told by our parents, teachers, friends and others about success in academics and to develop the talent inside your kids and others...
All these books and others that I bought..I use it as a guide to help my children and tell them that it is alright to make mistakes and must learn from also as a mother should accept their mistakes and patient with their behaviours...after all, all of us are not it is not fair if we want our children to be perfect...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Lama tak tulis kat blog ni...lately sibuk sikit...ditambah dengan tak sihat....lagi dua minggu kita dah nak puasa...apa perancangan dalam bulan puasa?...for me....nak mempertingkatkan diri menjadi insan yang lebih baik..insyaallah..jadi contoh kepada anak-anak...ibu dan isteri yang mithali....harap impian ini dapat dicapai walaupun tidak sekarang tapi menghala ke arah itu..apabila diingatkan segala yang hendak dicapai dalam hidup...menangis juga dibuatnya...
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Solat Hajat
Akhirnya solat hajat diadakan juga di sekolah malam tu....pergi dengan Alya....hujan lebat jugak malam tu....mulanya pada pukul 7 malam dan berakhir pada pukul 10:30 malam...majlis itu diakhiri dengan sesi motivasi oleh pakar motivasi dari luar...dalam motivasi tu ada beberapa tips yang diberikan kepada ibubapa sebagai persediaan untuk membantu anak-anak menjelang peperiksaan:
1. Fahami tekanan dihadapi oleh anak
2. Tingkatkan keyakinan diri anak
3. Dorong anak secara positif
4. Kerjasama sepenuhnya dari ahli keluarga
5. Kurangkan aktiviti luar
6. Pastikan anak tidur awal
7. Berikan anak pelepasan tugasan harian di rumah
8. Nyatakan ganjaran dengan jelas
9. Ambil cuti pada hari peperiksaan anak
10. Banyakkan berdoa dan solat hajat
rasa bersemangat pulak setelah mendengar tip-tip di atas....
1. Fahami tekanan dihadapi oleh anak
2. Tingkatkan keyakinan diri anak
3. Dorong anak secara positif
4. Kerjasama sepenuhnya dari ahli keluarga
5. Kurangkan aktiviti luar
6. Pastikan anak tidur awal
7. Berikan anak pelepasan tugasan harian di rumah
8. Nyatakan ganjaran dengan jelas
9. Ambil cuti pada hari peperiksaan anak
10. Banyakkan berdoa dan solat hajat
rasa bersemangat pulak setelah mendengar tip-tip di atas....
Ibu Bapa Bijak Anak Hebat
I bought this book in January this year...I have heard so much about the last I got this book at MPH book sale at Stadium Malawati Shah Alam...I have read it for so many times...for better understanding....some of the methods I have tried it on my kids...its proven...though it did not make my kids to be a bright kid....but it has improved a bit....the book taught you on how to guide you kids on life, discipline, study and etc.
I have found that this book is very useful to be a handbook for parents...who would like to guide their kids...Supposed this saturday the writer will hold a seminar regarding the above...but it has been postponed to a certain date which is not confirmed yet...can't wait to attend his get a better understanding of it...
I have found that this book is very useful to be a handbook for parents...who would like to guide their kids...Supposed this saturday the writer will hold a seminar regarding the above...but it has been postponed to a certain date which is not confirmed yet...can't wait to attend his get a better understanding of it...
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Hari yang free tapi tak free
Walaupun hari ni tak kerja...tapi kerja dibawa balik ke rumah....rasa-rasanya satu hari akan menanda kertas-kertas yang dibawa pun curi-curi masa mengadap komputer....kadang-kadang sampai rasa sakit pinggang....bila duduk lama sangat....masak??? makan apa yang ada saja la....kalau tidak pun kedai la jawabnya...hari ni Alya ada kelas dah beli roti jala...untuk makan tengahari Alya selepas sekolah sementara menunggu kelas tambahannya bermula....Aina tak ada tasmek hari dia balik awal...but still kena tunggu Alya to pass the roti jala.....planning to go satu parenting seminar in Shah Alam....but tempat tak booking lagi.....nak kena pay online....nak kena settle jugak dalam minggu ni...if not terlepas for the second time...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Imaan Zara
Last saturday, we were invited to Imaan Zara birthday was her first year birthday....arrived around 5:30pm...before that we stopped at IOI to buy her present....It was quite a long time we did not go their house...after the gathering we went back around 9pm...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Anak nak exam..Mak yang gelabah...
Sekarang dah akhir bulan Jun, Julai nak masuk minggu depan...lagi 2 bulan setengah for the major exam...maknya makin gelabah tapi tengok anaknya relaks ja...macam tak dak apa-apa...tapi sekarang dah nampak perubahan kepada Alya...selalu buat revision tapi kadang-kadang kena suruh jugak...ada la jugak dia buat sembahyang hajat...then sekarang ada niat nak puasa sebelum bulan ramadhan....alhamdulillah...Aina selalu jadi timekeeper untuk Alya...ingatkan uni dia to do revision....dia pun sekali buat revision walaupun baru darjah satu....semangat mendorong antara satu sama lain...dah nampak sejak Aina masuk sekolah rendah...they help reminding each other about their studies...hope this will carry on till they grow up....
For me...sekarang dah macam nak sesak nafas dah....tiap-tiap hari keep reminding Alya to her and night I pray for her success....there are some improvements....before this she got 1A, then she got 2As and now I hope that she could maintain her As in BM1 and English...hope another A will be coming....there will be another 2 trials before the actual exam....this is the first time she's getting A in happy.... in KUMON she is already in C level...she's doing standard 3's calculation ...which is multiplication and division...before this she got bronze she is aiming for the gold medal...because she has advanced for 2 years. Me also need to help and encourage her for the goal.....she needs to memorize her tables and be really good in far her performance in school also good...recently she got no.1...but for this mid term exam did not know yet....
I am so happy for both of them....although I always nagging everyday about their studies.....and everything....
For me...sekarang dah macam nak sesak nafas dah....tiap-tiap hari keep reminding Alya to her and night I pray for her success....there are some improvements....before this she got 1A, then she got 2As and now I hope that she could maintain her As in BM1 and English...hope another A will be coming....there will be another 2 trials before the actual exam....this is the first time she's getting A in happy.... in KUMON she is already in C level...she's doing standard 3's calculation ...which is multiplication and division...before this she got bronze she is aiming for the gold medal...because she has advanced for 2 years. Me also need to help and encourage her for the goal.....she needs to memorize her tables and be really good in far her performance in school also good...recently she got no.1...but for this mid term exam did not know yet....
I am so happy for both of them....although I always nagging everyday about their studies.....and everything....
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Multitasking Mama
Sekolah dah start routine dah kembali seperti sebelum ni...sibuk...sehari sampai tiga empat kali keluar rumah....driver katakan....from monday to friday....tu lah kerjanya....tapi tak baik mengeluh begini....ini semua demi anak-anak....but sometimes your energy drained out and become too tired to move around...but have to force yourself....di tempat kerja pulak sekarang tak cukup as a part-timer has to do all the tasks by myself with my limited time rushing here and there....sometimes feel fed up with all these....aide? ada yang reluctant to come to the centre to help...tak tau lah sampai bila boleh bertahan....ingat nak rehat for two months to concentrate on Alya coz her exam dah nak dekat......maybe after raya sambung balik...itupun tengok keadaan dulu....marking right after class ha! tinggi bawak free time just on Wednesday....itupun all routines have to do in a chores, markings, fetching, sending....etc......macam supermother.....tapi kalau difikirkan balik untuk siapa kita melakukan semua ini....for the kids....but yet I admit...we also need to have some time for us alone....pampering and relaxing ourselves...tapi bila masanya entah lah.....for the mean time...patience is the keyword...siapa kata surirumah tak ada kerja...?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Admiral BBQ
Last neighbourhood was having bbq ...with one whole barbecued lamb....all the neighbours brought their share with...there were nasi lemak..mee goreng...nuggets...sausages...cakes and other kuih-muih....we got lemon, sugarcane and hot coffee for beverages.....there was also a waffle lots of kids were queueing up for it....sometimes we have this kind of gathering in our neighbourhood just to mingle around with each other...we also got time to gossiping but a good gossip not the bad gossips...let our kids get to know each other....and play around......the feast started around 8pm and ended around was a good social gathering......
Recently during school holidays...we brought our kids to WetWorld at Shah Alam....arrived there around 9:30 it was quite early...but there were lots of families were waiting outside the theme park...the entrance fee for the adult.was RM10 and for the kids was RM8 or it depended on the kids height...The opening time was from 11am till 7pm...but on school holidays and public holidays it opened from 10pm till 7pm....this was the first time for them and for us to go to Wetworld....kesian kan...they were really excited....especially Aina...after we got in....and put our things on one of the tables...straight away went in the first Aina was quite scared to go into it...after a while...she was ok...then we rent a bubble tube...Alya and her abah went on the splash slide....then me and was very amusing...because I have not been on one....then Aina tried it..she liked it very much though at first was quite scared of it.....then I rode with my husband the splash slide....soooo exciting....after playing for a while in the water....we waited for the Monsoon Booster to operate around 12pm...I went up with Alya...we queued up with patient...for our turn....when arrived at the top...sat on the bubble we go.....screaming at the top of our lungs....felt so fantantic...and free.....we thought of riding it for the second but the queue was very only once....After a while around 1pm we made a move....and had our lunch at McDonald section 2....
After had our lunch we went back home...but before leaving...we took some pictures as our remembrance...
Monday, June 14, 2010
Si Kunang-Kunang
Semalam..lebih kurang pukul 6 ptg...kami sekeluarga keluar menuju ke Kampung Kuantan di Kuala Selangor untuk melihat cik kelip-kelip....tetapi malangnya semasa perjalanan...hujan turun membasahi bumi.....perjalanan diteruskan jugak sebab hendak melihat pemandangan..... sampai ke Puncak Alam kami berpatah balik....hajat di hati hendak membawa anak-anak melihat firefly secara realistik......memandangkan dah sampai waktu makan malam....singgah la di Big Plate Restaurant.....makanan dipesan...chicken grilled, chicken cheese, small fish and chips 2 dan satu sup Leek and Potato Soup....semuanya sedap-sedap belaka....tetapi portionnya sangatlah banyak....minuman pun besar jugak....bila mengenangkan harganya...dihabiskan jugak semua hidangan.....lastly selesai makan...balik menuju ke rumah ku syurga ku.....dan cup!!!!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
School holidays
School holidays have started...but my girl Alya...has her extra classes for four holidays..working though lots of students had gone back to their hometown...last week went to Shah Alam to buy cloths for Hari Raya Puasa....bought 6 pieces of those and 2 tudung for my mom...its quite reasonable price...then sent the cloths to the tailor...if not they won't take it if you send it too late..
In these holidays..I have to send my girls to the babysitter's house...though sometimes I think that they would waste their time there without doing something that really give them benefit...but I have too...
In these holidays..I have to send my girls to the babysitter's house...though sometimes I think that they would waste their time there without doing something that really give them benefit...but I have too...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
What to write
To blog or not to blog....when people blog, me also like to try I have entered blogging world....but still green....sometimes I do not know what to I need to write about myself, my family..or about something that is out of the box...a specific topic that will trigger an interest for others to read???? I have surfed several blogs...some of it are very interesting to read...some of it have colourful background and lots of gadgets in it...and some if it have lots of info...
During my wonder years...I like to write in a diary...I write a lot...just to pour out feelings that were never been I suppose blogging is a modern way to share everything ...I mean not all you have to share..just filter it....
Well now I'm here to write what I can share with my whoever readers..that took a glimpse at my blog....
Appreciate for the support...
During my wonder years...I like to write in a diary...I write a lot...just to pour out feelings that were never been I suppose blogging is a modern way to share everything ...I mean not all you have to share..just filter it....
Well now I'm here to write what I can share with my whoever readers..that took a glimpse at my blog....
Appreciate for the support...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Di Taman Putra dah banyak kes denggi ada yang sampai kematian...baru-baru ni...kakak jiran di hadapan rumah dah kena denggi berdarah lama jugak masuk hospital...tapi alhamdulillah sihat kembali...lepas tu makcik pulak masuk hospital sebab denggi berdarah yang kritikal....masuk wad biasa beberapa hari kemudian masuk ICU sebab platlet darah dah turun banyak sangat....pergi melawat...sedih jugak melihatnya...semalam pakcik telefon...dah semakin beransur pulih dan sudah dipindahkan ke wad biasa kembali....syukur kepada Allah....hari ini ada dua kes di kawasan rumah...jalan berdekatan dengan ada fogging petang tadi....
Sekarang ni denggi semakin mengganas...H1N1 pulak makin meningkat...bersihkan kawasan rumah....selalu cuci tangan dan kaki....sanitizer sentiasa berada di dalam beg....waspadalah selalu...
Sekarang ni denggi semakin mengganas...H1N1 pulak makin meningkat...bersihkan kawasan rumah....selalu cuci tangan dan kaki....sanitizer sentiasa berada di dalam beg....waspadalah selalu...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Solat Hajat
Sepatutnya malam ni diadakan solat hajat di sekolah Alya untuk murid-murid tahun 6 sempena peperiksaan UPSR....tetapi terpaksa dibatalkan disebabkan cuaca yang tak menentu....dan selalu hujan pada waktu petang...tarikh yang baru akan diberitahu kelak oleh pihak sekolah....
Kek Pisang Dan Kek Coklat
4 biji kek pisang dan 4 biji kek coklat dibuat pada hari ahad lepas untuk Alya dan Aina sempena sambutan hari guru di sekolah mereka...tujuannya hendak diberi kepada guru-guru mereka.....ada jugak diberi kepada guru agama mereka di sekolah agama....dengan penuh bangganya dipersembahkan kepada guru-guru mereka...serta ustaz dan ustazah....
SELAMAT HARI GURU.....CIKGU!!!!Ini adalah penghargaan mereka kepada guru-guru, ustaz dan ustazah mereka selama mereka belajar di situ...harap mereka dapat meneruskan semangat ini sehingga dewasa....iaitu menghargai setiap jasa tenaga pengajar yang mengajar mereka......
Water Everywhere...Air Bah Melanda
Last two nights. my housing area was swarmed by water..from the lake nearby in our housing rained heavily that afternoon for three hours..after the rain had stopped the water started to rise...ada kelas masa tu...sepatutnya balik pukul 10..terus tutup centre pukul 8:30pm and everybody went back..sebab takut kereta direndam air...dah jadi jam kat dalam Putra Perdana tu....everybody was stucked by the flood...semua kedai dinaiki air...jadi macam pulau pulak...tapi lebih kurang pukul 12 tengah malam air semakin surut dan keesokkan harinya semua pemilik kedai sibuk mencuci kedai...termasuklah one of my friends yang ada kedai kat situ...habis semua karpet dan tikar minyak kena buang..nasib baik fail-fail tak rosak....
Dengar kata ada juga tempat lain yang dinaikki disebabkan hujan yang lebat hari tu...dan ada juga tanah runtuh...
Cuaca pun dah tak menentu....semua ni adalah akibat salah kita sendiri jugak...tidak menjaga bumi kita dengan baik....akibat inginkan pembangunan yang moden...kita jugak menjadi mangsa...
Dengar kata ada juga tempat lain yang dinaikki disebabkan hujan yang lebat hari tu...dan ada juga tanah runtuh...
Cuaca pun dah tak menentu....semua ni adalah akibat salah kita sendiri jugak...tidak menjaga bumi kita dengan baik....akibat inginkan pembangunan yang moden...kita jugak menjadi mangsa...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Recently, Alya had her first UPSR trial the results are out already...well she is improving...though she got the same grade but the marks are increasing...her last exam she got 1A I hope she will got more I believe that my method had a bit success...glad...credits should give to her also....she worked hard for this but still need to do reinforcement...especially her penulisan..maths...and her carelessness...that is the major problem..
Midterm will be in two weeks time...need to prepare them to face the exam again...Aina had finished her Qiraati till book she is reading on and so forth...recently Aina got fever she did not go to school for four days....and had missed her standard one injection...
Mendoakan supaya anak-anakku menjadi insan yang berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat....menjadi anak-anak yang solehah dan beriman....dan lebih baik dari kedua ibubapanya...AMIN
Midterm will be in two weeks time...need to prepare them to face the exam again...Aina had finished her Qiraati till book she is reading on and so forth...recently Aina got fever she did not go to school for four days....and had missed her standard one injection...
Mendoakan supaya anak-anakku menjadi insan yang berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat....menjadi anak-anak yang solehah dan beriman....dan lebih baik dari kedua ibubapanya...AMIN
Cuti-cuti Malaysia
dah lama tak tulis dalam ni...baru-baru ni pergi bercuti sekejap...3 hari 2 malam Langkawi dengan my husband auntie and cousins. Stayed at Burau Bay Resort...penginapan dia macam chalet..macam rumah kat jugak...flight on the friday...4pm arrived around 6pm....sewa kereta...kena la ambik MPV untuk accomodate 8 orang....4 comel2 4 lagi husband was a driver. After resting for a while...kat hotel tu tiba-tiba hujan...plan nak keluar lepas tu...cari ikan bakar last dine in kat hotel coffee mahal la jugak....
The next day early in the morning, after having our breakfast...we went out to Gunung Mat Chincang Cable Car Station...masa tu counter dia pun belum bukak lagi....we have arrived kena la tunggu....after a while dapat la tiket and we all naik the cable car....once we got in..semua terdiam....because it was so high and open...nak kata gayat ada juga...but one thing if you want to enjoy the not look down...then it will be ok...Aina and Alya really enjoying the view and the were smiling and laughing all the way up...of course ada la sikit-sikit bergoyang but hari tu nasib baik angin tak kuat 2 stations one in the middle and at the top. The air is getting colder as it getting higher...the air is so fresh and cooling...

view from our cable care towards the top station
the top station
After that we went to the underwaterworld to see all the marine life then Kota Mahsuri...snapped a few pictures then went for lunch....then we went for shopping yea!...but it was sooo hot...I could not stand it same goes to my children...what I bought was chocolate..chocolate...chocolate...lots of it..on the way we stopped by at Pantai Pasir Hitam....jalan-jalan sikit...lastly baru balik hotel...semua dah totally feet was head was pumping....malam tu pulak all of us keluar pergi dinner....dapat la makan ikan bakar...
The last day there....after breakfast in the morning....the four of us headed to the beach and hubby having fun....after the beach...we went to the hotel's pool...around 11 am...started doing our packing and headed to the airport....
Arriving at the airport...we found out that our flight had been delayed for 2 hours....we became restless at the airport....waiting for the plane....arrived LCCT around 6 something and reached hope 7:30pm
view from the porch of our chalet
The next day early in the morning, after having our breakfast...we went out to Gunung Mat Chincang Cable Car Station...masa tu counter dia pun belum bukak lagi....we have arrived kena la tunggu....after a while dapat la tiket and we all naik the cable car....once we got in..semua terdiam....because it was so high and open...nak kata gayat ada juga...but one thing if you want to enjoy the not look down...then it will be ok...Aina and Alya really enjoying the view and the were smiling and laughing all the way up...of course ada la sikit-sikit bergoyang but hari tu nasib baik angin tak kuat 2 stations one in the middle and at the top. The air is getting colder as it getting higher...the air is so fresh and cooling...
view from our cable care towards the top station
the top station
After that we went to the underwaterworld to see all the marine life then Kota Mahsuri...snapped a few pictures then went for lunch....then we went for shopping yea!...but it was sooo hot...I could not stand it same goes to my children...what I bought was chocolate..chocolate...chocolate...lots of it..on the way we stopped by at Pantai Pasir Hitam....jalan-jalan sikit...lastly baru balik hotel...semua dah totally feet was head was pumping....malam tu pulak all of us keluar pergi dinner....dapat la makan ikan bakar...
The last day there....after breakfast in the morning....the four of us headed to the beach and hubby having fun....after the beach...we went to the hotel's pool...around 11 am...started doing our packing and headed to the airport....
Arriving at the airport...we found out that our flight had been delayed for 2 hours....we became restless at the airport....waiting for the plane....arrived LCCT around 6 something and reached hope 7:30pm
view from the porch of our chalet
Friday, April 23, 2010
Its World Book Day
World Book Day!....habit of reading is still not in our daily ritual...though the percentage of reading habit had increased a bit but we are still far behind..our leaders are trying to implement this habit by doing campaign continuously....actually reading habit starts from home...the parents should encourage and motivate their children to read books...not school books..but other reading expand their vocabulary and general knowledge...
For small children who do not know how to read, the parents should read for for big kids...encourage them to read on their own...we as parents should show the example of doing this.
By reading a can help the kids in doing their essays and build sentences in their school subjects...not only in English but also in Bahasa Melayu..or maybe we can have a protege in writing field....
I always bring my kids to bookstores...for them to choose their books....or if got any sales..I will bring them at school they are having a reading programme which there is a reward for who read the most...Now at home they have loads of books, which I do not know where to put them anymore...all the shelves are full...alhamdulillah now my kids like to read..even though the newspapers...
Hope this habit will continue till their grown up years...and implement this habit on their kid.
Enjoy reading and be a book enthusiast...
These are my opinions...whats yours?
For small children who do not know how to read, the parents should read for for big kids...encourage them to read on their own...we as parents should show the example of doing this.
By reading a can help the kids in doing their essays and build sentences in their school subjects...not only in English but also in Bahasa Melayu..or maybe we can have a protege in writing field....
I always bring my kids to bookstores...for them to choose their books....or if got any sales..I will bring them at school they are having a reading programme which there is a reward for who read the most...Now at home they have loads of books, which I do not know where to put them anymore...all the shelves are full...alhamdulillah now my kids like to read..even though the newspapers...
Hope this habit will continue till their grown up years...and implement this habit on their kid.
Enjoy reading and be a book enthusiast...
These are my opinions...whats yours?
Earth Day
Yesterday was Earth my friend said (Hanz)...what does it mean to you? As for has been our good friend for yearsss....when you have a friend like this...cherish the friendship like you never had...take a good care of I began to realize that how important of doing the recycling of material that we used..for my small contribution towards this:
1. I always bring my shopping bags when doing my monthly grocery shopping
2. I choose one day to do my laundry with fully loaded of clothes
3. Let my kids bring their food in a tupperware to school.(can save money also when doing your own lunch)
4. My husband and kids bring water from home (in this case you can save money also)
5. Switch off lights and fans when you are not in that particular area
These are a few that I have managed to do... maybe there will be more soon...
But one thing that I still could not do is driving a car from one place to another place although it is near to my fetching my kids from school it is five minutes away from the house...
Anyway I am trying to make myself earth friendly and educate my kids and family...
1. I always bring my shopping bags when doing my monthly grocery shopping
2. I choose one day to do my laundry with fully loaded of clothes
3. Let my kids bring their food in a tupperware to school.(can save money also when doing your own lunch)
4. My husband and kids bring water from home (in this case you can save money also)
5. Switch off lights and fans when you are not in that particular area
These are a few that I have managed to do... maybe there will be more soon...
But one thing that I still could not do is driving a car from one place to another place although it is near to my fetching my kids from school it is five minutes away from the house...
Anyway I am trying to make myself earth friendly and educate my kids and family...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Seri Dalaman dan Persepsi Luaran
Baru tadi menonton SPM (Selamat Pagi Malaysia)...perbincangan mengenai seri dalaman seseorang, bagaimana hendak mengenali jika seseorang itu ada seri dalaman dan bagaimana untuk menonjolkan seri dalaman yang sedia ada...
Dikatakan seri dalaman itu merupakan sifat dalaman yang tidak dapat dibaca dan dilihat oleh kita...ia hanya dapat dilihat apabila kita mengenali seseorang itu dengan lebih dekat....berbeza dengan persepsi luaran...ini dapat dilihat pada zahirnya dan semua orang dapat membacanya...bak kata orang putih 'first impression that counts'.
Seseorang yang mempunyai seri dalaman atau aura....ia mempunyai tarikan tersendiri dimana kita akan berasa selesa apabila berkawan dengannya....
Apa yang saya faham...untuk mempunyai seri dalaman ini...kita haruslah menjaga hubungan kita terutamanya dengan ALLAH, keluarga terutama ibubapa kita dan masyarakat sekeliling. Ini adalah kunci utama untuk mempunyai ciri-ciri tersebut...maka dengan itu secara semulajadi tarikan itu akan ada dalam diri kita...kita akan rasa perubahan yang berlaku disekelilling kita...
Moral of the story...jangan menilai seseorang dari segi luaran...kenali dulu dan dari situ kita boleh tahu hati budi seseorang....bak kata orang putih 'Don't judge a book by its cover'
Dikatakan seri dalaman itu merupakan sifat dalaman yang tidak dapat dibaca dan dilihat oleh kita...ia hanya dapat dilihat apabila kita mengenali seseorang itu dengan lebih dekat....berbeza dengan persepsi luaran...ini dapat dilihat pada zahirnya dan semua orang dapat membacanya...bak kata orang putih 'first impression that counts'.
Seseorang yang mempunyai seri dalaman atau aura....ia mempunyai tarikan tersendiri dimana kita akan berasa selesa apabila berkawan dengannya....
Apa yang saya faham...untuk mempunyai seri dalaman ini...kita haruslah menjaga hubungan kita terutamanya dengan ALLAH, keluarga terutama ibubapa kita dan masyarakat sekeliling. Ini adalah kunci utama untuk mempunyai ciri-ciri tersebut...maka dengan itu secara semulajadi tarikan itu akan ada dalam diri kita...kita akan rasa perubahan yang berlaku disekelilling kita...
Moral of the story...jangan menilai seseorang dari segi luaran...kenali dulu dan dari situ kita boleh tahu hati budi seseorang....bak kata orang putih 'Don't judge a book by its cover'
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Insiden yang Menjijikkan
Pada waktu tengahari tadi, semasa menunggu my daughters balik....sedang berbual-bual dengan para ibu yang menunggu anak mereka juga....pukul 1:05 tepat semua pelajar telah keluar dari bilik darjah masing-masing...kami sedang berdiri dibawah tangga sambil menunggu anak masing-masing....berbual punya berbual...tiba-tiba satu titik air yang amat menjijikkan telah jatuh keatas tudung salah seorang ibu yang berada disitu....apalagi terus menyinga dengan muka yang garang sekali....ini angkara pelajar-pelajar yang turun dari tangga... tanpa adab dan sopan ...suka-suka meludah dimerata tempat tanpa menghiraukan orang lain...ada jugak yang membuang air dari bekas air dari atas terus kena ibu-ibu yang menunggu dibawah. Budak-budak sekarang...naik risau rasa dibuatnya....dengan perangai mereka.....I got kids also....kalau boleh mulut ni kena la control sikit supaya tidak mengata anak orang lain...silap-silap ia akan berbalik kepada anak kita pulak...I have experienced this before and have seen not want history to repeat back again...
Huh...hari ni....banyak sangat benda dalam kepala....macam-macam yang difikirkan....tak tau mana satu nak diselesaikan...ada yang on going cases...ada yang baru timbul punya case....sedang mencari jalan untuk menyelesaikannya...semua nak kena buat sendiri....ada aide pun hanya mampu dengar tapi tak memberi apa-apa reaction...there is no cooperation.....anak2 nak ambil exam tapi selamba ja macam tak dak apa2...tak dak inisiatif untuk memulakan pembelajaran sendiri....semuanya kena suruh...bukannya sekali...tapi berkali-kali...kadang tu rasa macam nak give up....tapi selalu ingatkan diri sendiri...kalau kita sebagai ibu give up terhadap anak....apa akan jadi dengan semangat do they feel..?...tak nak mereka rasa tidak dipedulikan....mesti memberi semangat dan motivasi kepada mereka....walaupun kadang-kadang ibunya semangat turun sedikit....need a booster....someone to listen to my invisible voice.....
Monday, April 19, 2010
Whatever Happens, It Happens For Good
This story is about a king who was fond of hunting and was always accompanied with a minister who was very close to him. This minister had a habit of saying to everyone, "Whatever happens, it happens for good" and this annoyed other ministers in the court.
During one of the hunting excursions, the king's thumb was chopped off and as per his habit the minister could't stop himself from saying "Whatever happens, it happens for good". Since the king was the victim this time, he got very annoyed with the minister and put him in jail.
In an another hunting trip, the king was captured by Cannibals and was about to be killed, when they noticed one of his thumb missing. As per their tradition, they were not allowed to kill a person whose any body part was missing. So, they set him free.
The king recalled the words of his minister and realised how true were his words. He went to the minister in jail and apologised for his mistake. However, the minister said that it was good that he was jailed. Otherwise, he would have accompanied the king for the hunting trip and got eaten by cannibals.
Many times we are taken aback by the short term impact of an event and don't realise that each of these events has a design for shaping our long term future. It is nature's way of controlling our lives.
During one of the hunting excursions, the king's thumb was chopped off and as per his habit the minister could't stop himself from saying "Whatever happens, it happens for good". Since the king was the victim this time, he got very annoyed with the minister and put him in jail.
In an another hunting trip, the king was captured by Cannibals and was about to be killed, when they noticed one of his thumb missing. As per their tradition, they were not allowed to kill a person whose any body part was missing. So, they set him free.
The king recalled the words of his minister and realised how true were his words. He went to the minister in jail and apologised for his mistake. However, the minister said that it was good that he was jailed. Otherwise, he would have accompanied the king for the hunting trip and got eaten by cannibals.
Many times we are taken aback by the short term impact of an event and don't realise that each of these events has a design for shaping our long term future. It is nature's way of controlling our lives.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Good morning...quite a long time I did not blog....been busy lately....just celebrated my anniversary...last sunday...on that day in the afternoon went to visit my sis in see my niece...imaan zara...she is sooo cute smiling all the time but don't get too near...the radio will be on...
Lately... I have been thinking on how to guide my Alya in her study for the big exam...sometimes I feel that I do not have enough time to concentrate on her.... I feel so guilty about this....from my observation of her character...she is totally me when I was her average student....who was struggling in studies at that time....but now I am trying my best to support, encourage and motivate her...I do not want any recycle moments to be happened again.....maybe she is a late bloomer...and I have to be patient...but I am not a patient person when come to studies....but I am trying my best to be a smart parent....trying sooo hard!
Lately... I have been thinking on how to guide my Alya in her study for the big exam...sometimes I feel that I do not have enough time to concentrate on her.... I feel so guilty about this....from my observation of her character...she is totally me when I was her average student....who was struggling in studies at that time....but now I am trying my best to support, encourage and motivate her...I do not want any recycle moments to be happened again.....maybe she is a late bloomer...and I have to be patient...but I am not a patient person when come to studies....but I am trying my best to be a smart parent....trying sooo hard!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Everything went smoothly
Finally on the 14th of brother got engaged...all relatives were gathered at my house...and had their lunch...before we took off around 2:30pm...I think around 7 cars convoyed to his fiance's house at PJ...we arrived at 3.15pm...had a warm the family...invited into the house....then the official discussion began....about 20 minutes...the discussion ended...the ceremony of 'menyarung cincin' was proceed....together with the photo session....the food which was served to us was good and laksa johor, lasagna, bread and a yam cake with pink guava juice...the first impression...I think my brother's in-laws are ok...

We went back around 5pm...and everything went smoothly......
We went back around 5pm...and everything went smoothly......
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Setengah berisi setengah kosong
Apa yang kita faham dengan tajuk di atas....bagaimana kita memandang ayat yang ditulis di atas..cuba kita letakkan gelas yang berisi air tapi separuh saja...mungkin ada orang cakap ia setengah berisi dan mungkin ada orang cakap ia setengah kosong...tetapi jawapan kedua-duanya adalah betul...dan terpulang cara pandangan individu masing-masing...kalau setengah kosong pandangannya lebih kepada kekurangan sesuatu situasi...kalau setengah berisi pandangannya lebih kepada kelebihan sesuatu situasi....bagi saya kadang-kadang saya mempunyai kedua-dua pandangan....contohnya....sebagai seorang surirumah...perbelanjaan selalunya datang daripada suami....tetapi saya bekerja separuh masa....walaupun gajinya tidak lumayan....tetapi bersyukur....dari tidak ada pendapatan kepada ada pendapatan walaupun sedikit...sekurang-kurangnya boleh membuat simpanan...ini berkaitan dengan kerjaya...
Pandangan kita terhadap individu....kadang-kadang kita suka bercerita tentang kekurangan seseorang berbanding dengan kelebihan seseorang....kenapa kita suka berbuat demikian....rata-rata selalu kita bertembung dengan keadaan begini....kalau bagi saya....saya suka menilai sendiri dahulu individu yang selalu diperkatakan negatif tentang dirinya sehinggalah ia berlaku sendiri akan kebenaran yang diperkatakan....this means that you don't have to believe it until you have experienced it...
Ruang yang kosong didalam gelas tersebut pasti ada di dalam hidup kita....tidak kira dari segi apa....yang penting kita lakukan yang terbaik lagi termampu dengan cara yang kreatif bagi melakukan perubahan.....
Bak kata John Wesley...Lakukan yang terbaik yang mampu anda lakukan dengan sepenu daya upaya dan kemampuan dengan cara apa sekalipun, di mana saja, bila-bila masa, kepada sesiapa pun, sehingga anda sudah tidak mampu melakukannya lagi....
Pandangan kita terhadap individu....kadang-kadang kita suka bercerita tentang kekurangan seseorang berbanding dengan kelebihan seseorang....kenapa kita suka berbuat demikian....rata-rata selalu kita bertembung dengan keadaan begini....kalau bagi saya....saya suka menilai sendiri dahulu individu yang selalu diperkatakan negatif tentang dirinya sehinggalah ia berlaku sendiri akan kebenaran yang diperkatakan....this means that you don't have to believe it until you have experienced it...
Ruang yang kosong didalam gelas tersebut pasti ada di dalam hidup kita....tidak kira dari segi apa....yang penting kita lakukan yang terbaik lagi termampu dengan cara yang kreatif bagi melakukan perubahan.....
Bak kata John Wesley...Lakukan yang terbaik yang mampu anda lakukan dengan sepenu daya upaya dan kemampuan dengan cara apa sekalipun, di mana saja, bila-bila masa, kepada sesiapa pun, sehingga anda sudah tidak mampu melakukannya lagi....
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Tight traffic join the party....
Starting yesterday...all parents who fetched their children at back gate of the school...has to go to the front gate and join a really tight traffic to fetch their children...quite difficult to find a least you have to go half an hour before the school's session finished....there are no proper just can park anywhere that you like or a place that you can slot in your is also not a one way the cars can from both also have to be careful with the students who crossed the road...well I am just a petite mother...furthermore aina's bag is quite heavy...just imagine how do I carry the 'senget sebelah'...for alya she can carry on her own....
Thursday, February 25, 2010
In two weeks time...their uncle will get engage...with his coursemate....a KL girl....will be busy arranging all the things for excited to welcome a new auntie in the family....grandparents will be coming back again here for the special event.....we as the family are so excited with all these...after soooo long for not having such a special event like this.....on the last chinese new year...just went to pay a visit to get acquainted with the new went smoothly...gave a hamper which was handmade by my happy looking forward to this...
Mummy was late
Yesterday...I was 5 minutes late arriving at school....coz went to foodcourt bought food for lunch...Aina had tasmek on that day....should be finishing at one o'clock...but suprisingly she came out around 12:45pm...when she saw that I was not there...she cried with all her heart...I was suprised...afraid that something had happened to her...the only reason was that I was late...and was not there waiting for laugh or not to scold or not to scold all mixed up inside me....really a drama princess...but a cute one...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wedding and Engagements
Chinese New Year...was also my cousins' wedding and engagements from both sides of family....quite a busy day that day...maklum la nak pegi makan pakai lawa-lawa la...parents pun datang....and still here...on my father's side there's a wedding...the theme was pink and white...all aunties and uncles were there so its quite like a relatives gathering.....on my mother's side there's an happened on the same day...maklum la 14 macam something to was really a happening event....all the cousins are so gila-gila....we got an upcoming fashion designer,,,a photographer...a wedding planner...mak andam...and banyak lagi night there was a it was like an extravaganza was like a marketplace in the house...
The next day...visiting an in-law to be....just to get to know with each other....well my brother is getting married next year...but his engagement is next pegi la beli barang....and buat hamper sendiri...hasil kerjatangan my sister and me....
This year will be a lot of events and all are weddings...on the second half of the year....time untuk buat baju banyak-banyak...
The next day...visiting an in-law to be....just to get to know with each other....well my brother is getting married next year...but his engagement is next pegi la beli barang....and buat hamper sendiri...hasil kerjatangan my sister and me....
This year will be a lot of events and all are weddings...on the second half of the year....time untuk buat baju banyak-banyak...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Happy Chinese New Year
Its nearly Chinese New Year, alya's and aina's grandparents will be coming here....there will be wedding and engagements of our relatives...they will be staying here around two weeks...its good for them to spend time with their grandparents....since we seldom go back to our hometown only on Hari Raya Puasa...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Toothfairy took my tooth!
It happen yesterday, while I was at my a call from my hubby...told me that Aina had hurt herself...without wasting much time...quickly went to her school to see what had really happened....her front tooth was nearly loosed...her inside lower lips got swollen and she was crying....on the way I had imagined that will be blood all over her uniform...well as a mother I was so frightened that something worse will happen to her....actually it was not as worse as I had imagined....she was in the treatment room with the nurse and her class teacher and her sister Alya....actually she was pushed by one of her friends..but she did not know who...well kids nowadays they like to run without looking who they will bump I took her to the clinic to check her injury and was given a I told her to be more your alert...and need to be tough...this was your experience in school...things will happen...but you need to be careful...
So today, she goes to school with one tooth missing....saying the letter 'f' with a ventilation to her mouth...the picture above is before the accident happen..
Need Hardwork
Its quite a while I did not blog...quite busy nowadays...Last saturday morning, went to school to attend a programme concerning to UPSR students....receiving Alya diagnostic result for the 5 subjects...well let me say like this we need to do extra hardwork to reach the goal....although she's in the list of the target 5A but there is a lot more to do....lots of programme will be done by the school with the UPSR students...I feel satisfied with their effort to help our children....because the school also have their target....well all the best ALYA..
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Happy Belated Birthday Aina Nur Aisya
it was yesterday aina'a birthday...but sadly she was sick...having a fever on her birthday...cause lack of water..that is her main we have planned to celebrate it this weekend...she's quite a demanding girl...she will ask 'what are you going to give me on my birthday?' actually she demanded quite a lot of presents from us....but we said 'well you have to wait my dear'. She is seven already...a big girl now....but still manja-manja....that is Aina Nur Aisya...
ikan bakar bellamy
baru-baru ni weekend...we went to MPH book carnival....banyaknya buku sampai naik gelap mata menengoknya....aina bought one book Barbie Stories got 5 stories in the book...alya got one book from Dear yayah series....I bought 2 books for my niece Imaan Zara...and for me I bought 2 books regarding parenting and motivation....kalau ikutkan habis duit kat situ...tapi sabar je la...then we went to KL jalan jalan cari makan angin tiba-tiba teringat ikan bakar bellamy yang selalu ada kat tv tu...cari punya cari akhirnya jumpa...for me sedap juga...bagi yang dah lama tak jumpa ikan bakar...then lepas mengisi tangki sampai kenyang we drove to Lake Garden maklum la tak pernah jejak kaki ke sana pun....but at that time was 3pm so it was really hot...took a few pictures of my kids..then we shoot off back to putra perdana....soooo tired but it was quite a happening day for alya and aina....they were so happy when we mentioned that we were going to the book carnival...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
School days
It has been one month school had started...Aina had absent for 2 days due to fever...both of them had reduced weight due to hectic and tight daily schedule ...Alya recently had faced diagnostic test for each subject in UPSR at school..this is to evaluate, detect and improve the students performances in this big exam.. I think this is a good plan done by the school...whereby at home she does her Score A programme...and get assistance from me...on the 6th feb all the parents will be invited to the school to attend a briefing regarding this diagnostic test and result.
Aina will be starting her Tasmek class next week...every wednesday...on that day also will be her 7th know what she did...she did her own card for herself...well she really knows how to make people around her feel sympathy towards her....and quite funny too...Actually all of us had bought cards to send to her..she asked for a dress from me...she said "dress yang murah-murah saja ibu" she is a kind of girl who do not know how to demand...sometimes I feel overwhelm with her concern attitude...
Two daughters but they are just like chalk and cheese...each of them is very unique and special in their own way...
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Nanny Neighbour
Since I had to work husband also had to go to his had to leave my kids with my neighbour for a while...after had finished my class...fetched them then go and bought the afternoon their auntie came to visit them....since quite a long time she did not come to our house....alya and aina just stayed at home today doing all their chores, homework and was raining cats and dogs for quite a while...what they do after that were sleeping..zzzzzz
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Kisah Aina
Di tempat mengaji Aina....dia mengadu ada kakak yang masuk sama kelas dengannya selalu mengganggu dia tanpa bersebab...disebabkan Aina kecil rasanya boleh dibuli begitu me as a parent feel very uncomfortable with this situation...I want Aina to learn happily I taught her to defend herself if they still bother her or just inform to the ustaz about the matter.....I am not happy with this....I told Alya to look out for her if they still picking on her.....
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Learning and Homeworks
This is the third day Aina Nur Aisya started her learning week in std one...well as usual the bag is quite heavy for I have to carry her bag whenever fetching her from the morning her sister will carry for her then she will pull her bag untill class.. last night when she went to her Kumon class...she had to do her test to progress to the next level...she passed...she also had received a trophy for her excellence achievement in her Kumon class because she is now doing a standard 2 work in her maths subject....proud of her...but still have to remaind her that she still need to put more effort in order to be the best....acknowledge her achievements...say affirmations to her...and make her visualize her vision in school....still new in this method...and still trying to implement it on my children...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Curriculum Day Started
Alya started her curriculum today...she has joined volleyball for sports and Science and Math Club, for uniform unit she is still remained in Tunas Puteri. It started from 2pm till 4pm....Aina is getting use with her school routine..easy to wake up in the morning....feeling agile and happy to go to school...hope that she could cope with her new surroundings...this is the last week of her transition week she will start her actual learning schedule. Alya also has started her extra classess for UPSR which started from 8pm till 10pm which are on Mondays and Tuesdays...quite hectic schedule for her this year....
Friday, January 8, 2010
Happy new year to my angels and fluffy.....everybody starts schooling...including my two angels..Alya and Aisya..Alya is in standard six now and Aisya is in standard one ....really excited to see both of them starting their school...For Aisya this is her first experience facing a huge surroundings compared to her kindy she has to familiarize with it...she's having transition week now for two weeks....then she will start to learn according to the timetable...there are also her kindy friends in the she is not alone...Alya she will be facing her UPSR this year...need to really monitor her and guide her...her extra classess will be starting next week....which is on Monday and Tuesday night...her entertainment time on tv has to be cut short...she has to be serious now in order to obtain 5A...thats what she wants when I ask her about the UPSR result ...Good luck to my angels and strive for excellence if you want to be somebody in your yourselves than you can love everyone else...
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