Friday, April 23, 2010

Its World Book Day

World Book Day!....habit of reading is still not in our daily ritual...though the percentage of reading habit had increased a bit but we are still far behind..our leaders are trying to implement this habit by doing campaign continuously....actually reading habit starts from home...the parents should encourage and motivate their children to read books...not school books..but other reading expand their vocabulary and general knowledge...
For small children who do not know how to read, the parents should read for for big kids...encourage them to read on their own...we as parents should show the example of doing this.
By reading a can help the kids in doing their essays and build sentences in their school subjects...not only in English but also in Bahasa Melayu..or maybe we can have a protege in writing field....
I always bring my kids to bookstores...for them to choose their books....or if got any sales..I will bring them at school they are having a reading programme which there is a reward for who read the most...Now at home they have loads of books, which I do not know where to put them anymore...all the shelves are full...alhamdulillah now my kids like to read..even though the newspapers...
Hope this habit will continue till their grown up years...and implement this habit on their kid.

Enjoy reading and be a book enthusiast...
These are my opinions...whats yours?

Earth Day

Yesterday was Earth my friend said (Hanz)...what does it mean to you?  As for has been our good friend for yearsss....when you have a friend like this...cherish the friendship like you never had...take a good care of I began to realize that how important of doing the recycling of  material that we used..for my small contribution towards this:
1. I always bring my shopping bags when doing my monthly grocery shopping
2. I choose one day to do my laundry with fully loaded of clothes
3. Let my kids bring their food in a tupperware to school.(can save money also when doing your own lunch)
4. My husband and kids bring water from home (in this case you can save money also)
5. Switch off lights and fans when you are not in that particular area
These are a few that I have managed to do... maybe there will be more soon...

But one thing that I still could not do is driving a car from one place to another place although it is near to my fetching my kids from school it is five minutes away from the house...
Anyway I am trying to make myself earth friendly and educate my kids and family...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Seri Dalaman dan Persepsi Luaran

Baru tadi menonton SPM (Selamat Pagi Malaysia)...perbincangan mengenai seri dalaman seseorang, bagaimana hendak mengenali jika seseorang itu ada seri dalaman dan bagaimana untuk menonjolkan seri dalaman yang sedia ada...
Dikatakan seri dalaman itu merupakan sifat dalaman yang tidak dapat dibaca dan dilihat oleh kita...ia hanya dapat dilihat apabila kita mengenali seseorang itu dengan lebih dekat....berbeza dengan persepsi luaran...ini dapat dilihat pada zahirnya dan semua orang dapat membacanya...bak kata orang putih 'first impression that counts'.
Seseorang yang mempunyai seri dalaman atau aura....ia mempunyai tarikan tersendiri dimana kita akan berasa selesa apabila berkawan dengannya....
Apa yang saya faham...untuk mempunyai seri dalaman ini...kita haruslah menjaga hubungan kita terutamanya dengan ALLAH, keluarga terutama ibubapa kita dan masyarakat sekeliling. Ini adalah kunci utama untuk mempunyai ciri-ciri tersebut...maka dengan itu secara semulajadi tarikan itu akan ada dalam diri kita...kita akan rasa perubahan yang berlaku disekelilling kita...
Moral of the story...jangan menilai seseorang dari segi luaran...kenali dulu dan dari situ kita boleh tahu hati budi seseorang....bak kata orang putih 'Don't judge a book by its cover'

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Insiden yang Menjijikkan

Pada waktu tengahari tadi, semasa menunggu my daughters balik....sedang berbual-bual dengan para ibu yang menunggu anak mereka juga....pukul 1:05 tepat semua pelajar telah keluar dari bilik darjah masing-masing...kami sedang berdiri dibawah tangga sambil menunggu anak masing-masing....berbual punya berbual...tiba-tiba satu titik air yang amat menjijikkan telah jatuh keatas tudung salah seorang ibu yang berada disitu....apalagi terus menyinga dengan muka yang garang sekali....ini angkara pelajar-pelajar yang turun dari tangga... tanpa adab dan sopan ...suka-suka meludah dimerata tempat tanpa menghiraukan orang lain...ada jugak yang membuang air dari bekas air dari atas terus kena ibu-ibu yang menunggu dibawah. Budak-budak sekarang...naik risau rasa dibuatnya....dengan perangai mereka.....I got kids also....kalau boleh mulut ni kena la control sikit supaya tidak mengata anak orang lain...silap-silap ia akan berbalik kepada anak kita pulak...I have experienced this before and have seen not want history to repeat back again...


Huh...hari ni....banyak sangat benda dalam kepala....macam-macam yang difikirkan....tak tau mana satu nak diselesaikan...ada yang on going cases...ada yang baru timbul punya case....sedang mencari jalan untuk menyelesaikannya...semua nak kena buat sendiri....ada aide pun hanya mampu dengar tapi tak memberi apa-apa reaction...there is no cooperation.....anak2 nak ambil exam tapi selamba ja macam tak dak apa2...tak dak inisiatif untuk memulakan pembelajaran sendiri....semuanya kena suruh...bukannya sekali...tapi berkali-kali...kadang tu rasa macam nak give up....tapi selalu ingatkan diri sendiri...kalau kita sebagai ibu give up terhadap anak....apa akan jadi dengan semangat do they feel..?...tak nak mereka rasa tidak dipedulikan....mesti memberi semangat dan motivasi kepada mereka....walaupun kadang-kadang ibunya semangat turun sedikit....need a booster....someone to listen to my invisible voice.....

Monday, April 19, 2010

Whatever Happens, It Happens For Good

This story is about a king who was fond of hunting and was always accompanied with a minister who was very close to him.  This minister had a habit of saying to everyone, "Whatever happens, it happens for good" and this annoyed other ministers in the court.
During one of the hunting excursions, the king's thumb was chopped off and as per his habit the minister could't stop himself from saying "Whatever happens, it happens for good".  Since the king was the victim this time, he got very annoyed with the minister and put him in jail.
In an another hunting trip, the king was captured by Cannibals and was about to be killed, when they noticed one of his thumb missing.  As per their tradition, they were not allowed to kill a person whose any body part was missing.  So, they set him free.
The king recalled the words of his minister and realised how true were his words.  He went to the minister in jail and apologised for his mistake. However, the minister said that it was good that he was jailed.  Otherwise, he would have accompanied the king for the hunting trip and got eaten by cannibals.
Many times we are taken aback by the short term impact of an event and don't realise that each of these events has a design for shaping our long term future.  It is nature's way of controlling our lives.