To blog or not to blog....when people blog, me also like to try I have entered blogging world....but still green....sometimes I do not know what to I need to write about myself, my family..or about something that is out of the box...a specific topic that will trigger an interest for others to read???? I have surfed several blogs...some of it are very interesting to read...some of it have colourful background and lots of gadgets in it...and some if it have lots of info...
During my wonder years...I like to write in a diary...I write a lot...just to pour out feelings that were never been I suppose blogging is a modern way to share everything ...I mean not all you have to share..just filter it....
Well now I'm here to write what I can share with my whoever readers..that took a glimpse at my blog....
Appreciate for the support...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Di Taman Putra dah banyak kes denggi ada yang sampai kematian...baru-baru ni...kakak jiran di hadapan rumah dah kena denggi berdarah lama jugak masuk hospital...tapi alhamdulillah sihat kembali...lepas tu makcik pulak masuk hospital sebab denggi berdarah yang kritikal....masuk wad biasa beberapa hari kemudian masuk ICU sebab platlet darah dah turun banyak sangat....pergi melawat...sedih jugak melihatnya...semalam pakcik telefon...dah semakin beransur pulih dan sudah dipindahkan ke wad biasa kembali....syukur kepada Allah....hari ini ada dua kes di kawasan rumah...jalan berdekatan dengan ada fogging petang tadi....
Sekarang ni denggi semakin mengganas...H1N1 pulak makin meningkat...bersihkan kawasan rumah....selalu cuci tangan dan kaki....sanitizer sentiasa berada di dalam beg....waspadalah selalu...
Sekarang ni denggi semakin mengganas...H1N1 pulak makin meningkat...bersihkan kawasan rumah....selalu cuci tangan dan kaki....sanitizer sentiasa berada di dalam beg....waspadalah selalu...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Solat Hajat
Sepatutnya malam ni diadakan solat hajat di sekolah Alya untuk murid-murid tahun 6 sempena peperiksaan UPSR....tetapi terpaksa dibatalkan disebabkan cuaca yang tak menentu....dan selalu hujan pada waktu petang...tarikh yang baru akan diberitahu kelak oleh pihak sekolah....
Kek Pisang Dan Kek Coklat
4 biji kek pisang dan 4 biji kek coklat dibuat pada hari ahad lepas untuk Alya dan Aina sempena sambutan hari guru di sekolah mereka...tujuannya hendak diberi kepada guru-guru mereka.....ada jugak diberi kepada guru agama mereka di sekolah agama....dengan penuh bangganya dipersembahkan kepada guru-guru mereka...serta ustaz dan ustazah....
SELAMAT HARI GURU.....CIKGU!!!!Ini adalah penghargaan mereka kepada guru-guru, ustaz dan ustazah mereka selama mereka belajar di situ...harap mereka dapat meneruskan semangat ini sehingga dewasa....iaitu menghargai setiap jasa tenaga pengajar yang mengajar mereka......
Water Everywhere...Air Bah Melanda
Last two nights. my housing area was swarmed by water..from the lake nearby in our housing rained heavily that afternoon for three hours..after the rain had stopped the water started to rise...ada kelas masa tu...sepatutnya balik pukul 10..terus tutup centre pukul 8:30pm and everybody went back..sebab takut kereta direndam air...dah jadi jam kat dalam Putra Perdana tu....everybody was stucked by the flood...semua kedai dinaiki air...jadi macam pulau pulak...tapi lebih kurang pukul 12 tengah malam air semakin surut dan keesokkan harinya semua pemilik kedai sibuk mencuci kedai...termasuklah one of my friends yang ada kedai kat situ...habis semua karpet dan tikar minyak kena buang..nasib baik fail-fail tak rosak....
Dengar kata ada juga tempat lain yang dinaikki disebabkan hujan yang lebat hari tu...dan ada juga tanah runtuh...
Cuaca pun dah tak menentu....semua ni adalah akibat salah kita sendiri jugak...tidak menjaga bumi kita dengan baik....akibat inginkan pembangunan yang moden...kita jugak menjadi mangsa...
Dengar kata ada juga tempat lain yang dinaikki disebabkan hujan yang lebat hari tu...dan ada juga tanah runtuh...
Cuaca pun dah tak menentu....semua ni adalah akibat salah kita sendiri jugak...tidak menjaga bumi kita dengan baik....akibat inginkan pembangunan yang moden...kita jugak menjadi mangsa...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Recently, Alya had her first UPSR trial the results are out already...well she is improving...though she got the same grade but the marks are increasing...her last exam she got 1A I hope she will got more I believe that my method had a bit success...glad...credits should give to her also....she worked hard for this but still need to do reinforcement...especially her penulisan..maths...and her carelessness...that is the major problem..
Midterm will be in two weeks time...need to prepare them to face the exam again...Aina had finished her Qiraati till book she is reading on and so forth...recently Aina got fever she did not go to school for four days....and had missed her standard one injection...
Mendoakan supaya anak-anakku menjadi insan yang berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat....menjadi anak-anak yang solehah dan beriman....dan lebih baik dari kedua ibubapanya...AMIN
Midterm will be in two weeks time...need to prepare them to face the exam again...Aina had finished her Qiraati till book she is reading on and so forth...recently Aina got fever she did not go to school for four days....and had missed her standard one injection...
Mendoakan supaya anak-anakku menjadi insan yang berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat....menjadi anak-anak yang solehah dan beriman....dan lebih baik dari kedua ibubapanya...AMIN
Cuti-cuti Malaysia
dah lama tak tulis dalam ni...baru-baru ni pergi bercuti sekejap...3 hari 2 malam Langkawi dengan my husband auntie and cousins. Stayed at Burau Bay Resort...penginapan dia macam chalet..macam rumah kat jugak...flight on the friday...4pm arrived around 6pm....sewa kereta...kena la ambik MPV untuk accomodate 8 orang....4 comel2 4 lagi husband was a driver. After resting for a while...kat hotel tu tiba-tiba hujan...plan nak keluar lepas tu...cari ikan bakar last dine in kat hotel coffee mahal la jugak....
The next day early in the morning, after having our breakfast...we went out to Gunung Mat Chincang Cable Car Station...masa tu counter dia pun belum bukak lagi....we have arrived kena la tunggu....after a while dapat la tiket and we all naik the cable car....once we got in..semua terdiam....because it was so high and open...nak kata gayat ada juga...but one thing if you want to enjoy the not look down...then it will be ok...Aina and Alya really enjoying the view and the were smiling and laughing all the way up...of course ada la sikit-sikit bergoyang but hari tu nasib baik angin tak kuat 2 stations one in the middle and at the top. The air is getting colder as it getting higher...the air is so fresh and cooling...

view from our cable care towards the top station
the top station
After that we went to the underwaterworld to see all the marine life then Kota Mahsuri...snapped a few pictures then went for lunch....then we went for shopping yea!...but it was sooo hot...I could not stand it same goes to my children...what I bought was chocolate..chocolate...chocolate...lots of it..on the way we stopped by at Pantai Pasir Hitam....jalan-jalan sikit...lastly baru balik hotel...semua dah totally feet was head was pumping....malam tu pulak all of us keluar pergi dinner....dapat la makan ikan bakar...
The last day there....after breakfast in the morning....the four of us headed to the beach and hubby having fun....after the beach...we went to the hotel's pool...around 11 am...started doing our packing and headed to the airport....
Arriving at the airport...we found out that our flight had been delayed for 2 hours....we became restless at the airport....waiting for the plane....arrived LCCT around 6 something and reached hope 7:30pm
view from the porch of our chalet
The next day early in the morning, after having our breakfast...we went out to Gunung Mat Chincang Cable Car Station...masa tu counter dia pun belum bukak lagi....we have arrived kena la tunggu....after a while dapat la tiket and we all naik the cable car....once we got in..semua terdiam....because it was so high and open...nak kata gayat ada juga...but one thing if you want to enjoy the not look down...then it will be ok...Aina and Alya really enjoying the view and the were smiling and laughing all the way up...of course ada la sikit-sikit bergoyang but hari tu nasib baik angin tak kuat 2 stations one in the middle and at the top. The air is getting colder as it getting higher...the air is so fresh and cooling...
view from our cable care towards the top station
the top station
After that we went to the underwaterworld to see all the marine life then Kota Mahsuri...snapped a few pictures then went for lunch....then we went for shopping yea!...but it was sooo hot...I could not stand it same goes to my children...what I bought was chocolate..chocolate...chocolate...lots of it..on the way we stopped by at Pantai Pasir Hitam....jalan-jalan sikit...lastly baru balik hotel...semua dah totally feet was head was pumping....malam tu pulak all of us keluar pergi dinner....dapat la makan ikan bakar...
The last day there....after breakfast in the morning....the four of us headed to the beach and hubby having fun....after the beach...we went to the hotel's pool...around 11 am...started doing our packing and headed to the airport....
Arriving at the airport...we found out that our flight had been delayed for 2 hours....we became restless at the airport....waiting for the plane....arrived LCCT around 6 something and reached hope 7:30pm
view from the porch of our chalet
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