Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hari Anugerah Cemerlang

16 November, hari Aina mendapat anugerah cemerlang bagi tempat pertama dalam kelasnya...pagi-pagi lagi dah bangun dengan bersemangat...pergi satu famili...sampai sekolah lebih kurang pukul 7:50 pagi...Majlis bermula pada pukul 8:30 pagi....masuk saja ibubapa daftar sebelah kiri, pelajar daftar sebelah kanan...kemudian mengambil tempat masing-masing..pelajar diberi tempat duduk asing...Aina asyik tersenyum saja....dengan pakaian sekolahnya...dan berkaca mata...nampak seronok sangat...penyampaian sijil diberikan kepada pelajar-pelajar prasekolah dahulu diikuti dengan murid tahun 1 dan seterusnya....Aina hanya dapat hadiah untuk kedudukan dalam kelas sahaja...untuk matapelajaran tak...walau bagaimanapun kami berasa amat gembira...kerana dia berjaya mempertahankan kedudukannya dalam kelas pada pertengahan tahun dan akhir tahun walaupun peratus turun. Disamping itu Aina juga mendapat tawaran untuk menjadi pengawas muda pada tahun hadapan....dia hendak sangat jadi tahun depan kena la beli baju sekolah warna lain pulak...kasut pun warna lain...Tahniah Aina Nur Aisya Ahmad Nazree...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Believe in your child's ability

Well today the verdict is out...around 10:30am I arrived at school..the result yet been announced ..after a while the ceremony started...was informed 49 students got 5As and 28 students got 4As 1B.  Mine was not in either list...but for me, I know her ability...she's a late bloomer...I have to accept this....what I did was encouraged her all the time...though sometimes I have lost my patience on her...

She got as she targeted 3As and 2Bs. But there was a switch between her subjects, she always got A in English and B or C in her Science but today she got B in her English and A in her Science..well who knows it will happen like this...I saw her, she was crying while waiting to take her result...after she got her result, she came to me and cried showing her fingers which was '3' so I understood...I hugged her and said that it was ok..we had done our best together to go through this still got a long way to go...your PMR and I said to her starting your secondary year we have to be prepared for your PMR already..this is not the end of the road cause this is the beginning..put your target to wear a robe and mortar board in your higher education...

How do I feel?  I have prepared myself not to hope so much in fact, I was thinking that she will not get any mean right?...but reality is I have to see her far she can go....if I push her so hard, she would not be able to perform well....all that I do is by giving her encouragement continuously... trust me you will not feel frustrated and disappointed if you believe in your child's ability...I feel happy to the parents whose child got straight As.....lots of tears of joy.

Thank you very much to the school teachers for their hardwork all this while...and kudos to them....

Alhamdulillah feel very grateful to ALLAH for this present....AMIN

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The last two weeks of school, seems very busy..there are lots of event happening in the school...this thursday UPSR result will be out...then on friday there will be report cards signing day so we will be attending..then on the 16th which is on tuesday we will be attending school's graduation day....Aina will be receiving her for Alya anxiously waiting for d-day....

Friday, November 5, 2010

The verdict will be out

By the time to whoever read this post...the result of Alya's exam will be out already...I got to know it through the announcement from the news just now...before this the verdict was said to be out on 16 November but actually on the 11 November which will be on does she feel? How do I feel?? Well she looks okay externally but internally just like a tsunami...from mother's intuition...for not know what to say...shaking, nervous, butterfly in the stomach...everything...the first time facing the big verdict....

Some people may think that I am making such a big fuss about this...but seriously I think this was how my mother felt when the result was out...I still remember when at that time called Penilaian Darjah Lima...I was not expected to get As at all....but at last I managed to get 3As 2Bs, my mother was so happy she hugged me like I got 5As...well you know my mum was a teacher at my I am sort of  "anak cikgu" at that 'anak cikgu' must be clever and brilliant...but not me...I am just an average student...

So I hope whatever Alya will get for her UPSR me and my family will try to accept as it is...I will never give up to guide  and coach her whenever she needs my help...cause there is still a long way to go for her. We will be behind her....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Setiap kejadian ada hikmahnya...

Setiap apa yang berlaku di dalam hidup kita, pasti ada hikmahnya...kepulanganku ke kampung halaman...kali ini setelah menerima berita buruk...tok saudaraku telah menghembus nafas terakhirnya pada 30 oktober 2010.  Pada masa yang sama pakcikku juga dimasukkan ke hospital kerana diserang sawan. Ini adalah kejadian yang kali kedua bagi dirinya...keadaan kesihatannya yang tidak berapa baik...sehingga memerlukan dialisis dengan secepat mungkin...sekarang masih berada di hospital...tak tahu bila akan dibenarkan balik...

Setiap kita akan menerima dugaan dari Allah tak kira berat ataupun ringan..hanya DIA tahu samada kita boleh menanggungnya ataupun tidak...apa yang kita boleh buat hanyalah dengan berdoa kepadaNYA dan memohon kepadaNYA.

Walaupun kita mengatakan dugaan yang kita hadapi ini lebih teruk dan susah bagi kita untuk mengendalikannya..cuba fikirkan bahawa masih ada orang lain yang dugaannya sepuluh kali lebih teruk dari apa yang kita hadapi...Aku selalu cuba berfikir sebegitu....untuk tidak berasa susah hati dan serabut.

Apa-apa pun aku cuba untuk tabahkah diri ini...dan berdoa kepada ALLAH...