Friday, June 25, 2010

Anak nak exam..Mak yang gelabah...

Sekarang dah akhir bulan Jun, Julai nak masuk minggu depan...lagi 2 bulan setengah for the major exam...maknya makin gelabah tapi tengok anaknya relaks ja...macam tak dak apa-apa...tapi sekarang dah nampak perubahan kepada Alya...selalu buat revision tapi kadang-kadang kena suruh jugak...ada la jugak dia buat sembahyang hajat...then sekarang ada niat nak puasa sebelum bulan ramadhan....alhamdulillah...Aina selalu jadi timekeeper untuk Alya...ingatkan uni dia to do revision....dia pun sekali buat revision walaupun baru darjah satu....semangat mendorong antara satu sama lain...dah nampak sejak Aina masuk sekolah rendah...they help reminding each other about their studies...hope this will carry on till they grow up....

For me...sekarang dah macam nak sesak nafas dah....tiap-tiap hari keep reminding Alya to her and night I pray for her success....there are some improvements....before this she got 1A, then she got 2As and now I hope that she could maintain her As in BM1 and English...hope another A will be coming....there will be another 2 trials before the actual exam....this is the first time she's getting A in happy.... in KUMON she is already in C level...she's doing standard 3's calculation ...which is multiplication and division...before this she got bronze she is aiming for the gold medal...because she has advanced for 2 years. Me also need to help and encourage her for the goal.....she needs to memorize her tables and be really good in far her performance in school also good...recently she got no.1...but for this mid term exam did not know yet....

I am so happy for both of them....although I always nagging everyday about their studies.....and everything....

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