Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wedding and Engagements

Chinese New Year...was also my cousins' wedding and engagements from both sides of family....quite a busy day that day...maklum la nak pegi makan pakai lawa-lawa la...parents pun datang....and still here...on my father's side there's a wedding...the theme was pink and white...all aunties and uncles were there so its quite like a relatives gathering.....on my mother's side there's an happened on the same day...maklum la 14 macam something to was really a happening event....all the cousins are so gila-gila....we got an upcoming fashion designer,,,a photographer...a wedding planner...mak andam...and banyak lagi night there was a it was like an extravaganza was like a marketplace in the house...
The next day...visiting an in-law to be....just to get to know with each other....well my brother is getting married next year...but his engagement is next pegi la beli barang....and buat hamper sendiri...hasil kerjatangan my sister and me....
This year will be a lot of events and all are weddings...on the second half of the year....time untuk buat baju banyak-banyak...

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